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Darlene is my middle name, not my nickname
Dec 20, 2004
Lacey's Spring, Alabama
Since 1980 to be exact. So, in my lifetime Alabama has never been #1 during the regular season. :D Even if we are only there one week it feels good at the top and Auburn at the bottom. :D

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy you are getting to experience this Whitey!!!! :love::wave:


Darlene is my middle name, not my nickname
Dec 20, 2004
Lacey's Spring, Alabama
I truly hope

that this will come back and bite them in the butt today. I mean, there are fans, and then there are really stupid fans. You all know me and how I feel about Alabama....and I would NEVER want to see this done to any coach, or any person for that matter. I think it truly is a new low for college football fans.

Story HERE :sosad:


Beach Fanatic
Oct 1, 2006
It was incredible. It had probably been 10 years since I'd gone, and I had forgotten entirely what the atmosphere is like.

The Gators don't exactly have an easy schedule over the next four weeks, but I would love to see them meet the Tide in Atlanta! :clap:

I hope they get destroyed by Bama in Atlanta. Now that is something to :clap:about. :D
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