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Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2006
really you are down to att and verizon. Tmobile has been purchased by verizon so that might effect your transition soon. also, iphones will be coming to verizon soon and that also is a consideration. Att has officially been rated the worst customer service out there! that said, i have att:roll:

Glas Designs

Beach Comber
Nov 29, 2010
I've had Sprint for years down here and have never had any issues with them, customer service is good and the plan rates are reasonable. No coverage issues so far...and they have the HTC Evo!! Good luck.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
I live on Blue Mt. Beach and some of those in our front units have to go outside to use their cell phones. I have AT&T and have both good service and decent rates.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
I've had Sprint for several years and there are about three "holes" I experience on a routine basis: parts of WaterColor, near the Wheelhouse, and near 393. I'm going to Verizon pretty soon.


Beach Lover
Aug 10, 2009
Defuniak Springs
I strongly recommend Verizon! I had T-Mobile for years and finally paid to make the switch! I work in WaterColor and have never lost service on 30A. My husband has ATT through work and he can't stand it.

I am soooo excited about the iphone coming soon too! :)


SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2004
really you are down to att and verizon. Tmobile has been purchased by verizon so that might effect your transition soon. also, iphones will be coming to verizon soon and that also is a consideration. Att has officially been rated the worst customer service out there! that said, i have att:roll:
do you have a link to back up that statement about t mobile?


Beach Fanatic
I've gone to Net 10 unlimited, best move I've ever made. It can be purchased at Target. 50.00 per month unlimited talk, text, and web. The service is incredible, I haven't had a dropped call in a year since I started the service. Good luck and Merry Christmas and a healthy 2011.
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