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Beach Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Walton Co.
If Target was going to be on 30A I would agree with the "no box chain store" statement. Anywhere on 98 works for me.
It may work on 98 for a little while, until there is a traffic light every 1/4 mile for the length of 98. If I were voting between big and abbreviated Target for our area, I'd definitely vote small. I like the half-size Publix and half-size Walmart. Contrary to others, I have found plenty of needful crap, which I don't want to drive to Destin to buy, at the new Walmart.

For anyone confused about Walmart's business focus being on customer service, Walmart's focus is on offering discounted prices, not customer service.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
No kidding- I gave up on the SoWal Walmart and just have Bdarg pick up the stuff we get there on his way home from work at the Niceville location. Went in with a list, came out with not even half the list purchased. I swear Tom Thumb has more of the stuff we use - we call the SoWal store the "silly little Walmart."

I will say the same thing I said about the South Walton Walmart- we have a Target in PCB and Destin- do we really need another? It takes 20 minutes to drive to Pier Park- that is not convenient enough?

Silly Little Walmart is a good name.

I completely agree with you jdarg - Target at Pier Park is good enough for me. I was only saying that if they build it here - I would like to see it built to accommodate locals who live here and will shop there year round. The Silly Walmart has no real purpose, at least for me and mine.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
I am sorry, but as a middle income family residing in South Walton , I welcome the jobs and affordable shopping in our county. I understand the economics of running a small business and competing against big box chains. People are discerning enough to know what to buy and from who. Not all of us make money from tourist and we need an economy boost. If your biggest concern is what hi-way 98 looks like, I wanna trade spots and so do a lot of people in our area. I'm not a reg on SoWal.com, so I'll either be blasted or ignored.... I can live with either.

you have some good points, and I understand those who do enjoy the convenience of shopping at Walmart. I just wish they had built a real one with gardening, auto and all the things we could use locally. I can't even find a pair of pants in there for my little boy, or a real selection of toys for a child's birthday present (one tiny shelf of legos!!! horrors!!). I will say I like the produce section and bakery but not enough to make a stop for those things.

I didn't want a Walmart because of the changes that will follow in our little town, but come on. If it is going to be here, make it serve us well.
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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Obviously I don't shop at the Wal-mart so I can't comment on the selection, but I do shop at Target on occasion. And I have no problem driving to Pier Park to do so. It gives me a chance to go to the ACE that is open longer hours, buy cheaper gas, and run other non-urgent errands.

I used to drive to the Mid-Bay bridge for grocery shopping. Pier Park is a breeze.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
I find it outrageous that SOWALMART has chosen to focus on selling merchandise aimed at tourists! Outrageous! Surely they will go out of business with that approach. :roll:

I agree with Murray, all I want out of Wal-Mart is detergent, batteries, frozen food, toiletries and maybe some sunblock. Everything I want is available at SOWALMART and Publix. The difference is Publix is so expensive on sundries...I love having our little Wal-Mart. I'm not sure what everyone else goes to Wal-Mart for. And to think that all the predicted gloom and doom about Wal-Mart running every merchant within a thirty mile radius out of business has evolved into biatching about the small and focused approach the idiots at Wal-Mart have chosen to pursue here. Oh, how schizophrenic! :lol:


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Silly Little Walmart is a good name.

I completely agree with you jdarg - Target at Pier Park is good enough for me. I was only saying that if they build it here - I would like to see it built to accommodate locals who live here and will shop there year round. The Silly Walmart has no real purpose, at least for me and mine.

Little 8 lb. 6 oz. baby Walmart.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 22, 2009
Roswell, Ga hoping SoWal someday
I just want it as far away from 30A as possible. I have Two Super Targets and a Super Walmart within 4 miles of our house. I can get ANYTHING I need before I come down. I come down for my little piece of paradise.... not Walmart. Sorry, I don't live there ft yet. But, when we lived at a lake in North Carolina, I was happy to drive across it, be in awe of its beauty, and drive 20 minutes to Target. The concrete jungle can stay in Destin and PCB.... not our little SoWal.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I didn't want Wal-mart to come here. Now I don't want Target or any other big box retailer to come here.

Seems pretty consistent to me. ;-)
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