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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
As reported by WZEP AM 1460:

It was an open house party that was shut down when deputies found underage drinking while investigating complaints of loud music and litter. After responding to numerous complaints, over 30 individuals were arrested in Miramar Beach Monday afternoon for Open House Party. Over a 48 hour period, approximately 153 individuals have been arrested in Walton County as the Sheriff’s Office works zero tolerance with spring breakers. Most all are from out of state.

Walton County Sheriff’s Office Major A. J. Smith says they were receiving complaints from full time residents, and a lady at the south substation told deputies what was going on. Smith says they looked into the situation and found there were a number of complaints. He says the Sheriff’s Office already has an intense spring break effort, trying to prevent tragedies like the recent death in Panama City.

Major Smith and Captain Howell were out during the rainy Monday afternoon and went to the home with complaints. He says as they came to the house, from the patrol vehicle they could see what appeared to be underage drinking. He says there were people in the pool, the door was open, people were hanging on porches. The deputies asked for the persons renting the home in south Walton. As they were at the home they could see into the house through an open door. He reports they saw hundreds of beer cans and many underage aged people drinking. When they saw the deputies, about 80 to 85 young people tried to go out the back door. The two stopped them and found they were under age, most 18 and 19. Smith says they also noticed trash on the breach and made arrests for littering. They contacted the person who rented the home and made a charge of an open house party and allowing under aged persons to drink.

Major Smith says this hopefully prevented tragedy. He also says the effort helps send a message to visitors to, “Come and enjoy our beautiful county, but do not abuse the community.” Major Smith says the Walton County Sheriff’s Office is using a zero tolerance when it comes to spring breakers. He says the message is, “This is our home, please treat it like it is your home.”

Major Smith also credits the work of the deputies and staff of the Sheriff’s Office. He asks the local community to continue to support them as they are working hard, are committed, work in terrible weather, all because they care about the safety of the community, residents and guests alike.
Good job, sheriffs!

I know so many parents in our town in GA who have rented houses for their teenagers and college kids in SoWal. Some of the parents would stay in another rental so that if something "bad" happened, they'd be close by. I've actually heard some of these parents laugh about how drunk their teenagers were when they checked in on them.

Not funny. At. all.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
As reported by WZEP AM 1460:

Walton County deputies have been extremely busy over the past few days. As Spring Break kicks into high gear, The Walton County Sheriff’s Office says the number of calls and arrests have soared. Starting on Friday and ending on Monday, the Walton County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) Communications Center answered approximately 1494 calls for service. Of the calls answered this past weekend, there have been 178 Notices to Appear issued for underage drinking. The deputies are working hard to keep law and order on south Walton beaches.

The arrests included the Open House Party previously reported on. Also Monday afternoon, deputies were called to the area of Shipwatch Condos in Miramar Beach in reference to illegal parking. Several vehicles were found blocking access of an entrance. Upon arrival deputies discovered another house party. Individuals carded were all of legal drinking age but that didn’t stop the property manager and homeowner from evicting the vacationers from the property. The WCSO stood by while approximately 150 individuals were forced to leave.

Commissioners Cindy Meadows and Sara Comander have been meeting with residents and the sheriff to prepare for the influx of spring break guests. At Tuesday’s Walton Commissioner meeting Meadows said they do not want any deaths announced in Walton County. Commissioner Comander complemented the Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Corrections. She said the jail was able to bring a bus down and pick up the young people arrested. Comander said Walton does want the visitors, but wants them to be responsible.

She talked about the south Walton Sheriff’s Substation and increasing the ability to book people in. She said they have been in contact with the Sheriff, but there is no way the substation can house 32 people, separating both males and females. She said they will be working on the problem. The holding jail at the sub station was closed after a change where Walton took over the jail operations.

Major A. J. Smith told the commissioners the deputies told the young people, “Would you pee on the floor in your house?, then don’t do it in our house.” He said they paid $8K a week for the house and $5K for the deposit. Smith said when a new group comes in, if they have more problems, then they will also deal with that. He said the maximum amount of people who should be in the house is 28 and there were over 80. The property management company was also there. The report is the house was damaged beyond the $5,000 deposit. Both Comander and Smith said they were appalled with the young people’s attitude. Smith thanked everyone for their support. This was met with applause from the commissioners and audience.

Sheriff Adkinson promised during the recent Operation Dry Spring press conference held last week with Sheriff Ashley and Sheriff McKeithen, “We are going to be completely zero tolerant in dealing with this issue and completely proactive.”


Beach Lover
Dec 31, 2012
Glad to hear about the crackdowns. Bravo to the police force. We are fortunate that we do not have to rent our 30-A home in order to afford it. Even if I had a property in a rental pool, I would never rent it during college spring break. Too many stupid people.
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