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Beach Crab
Jun 25, 2013
Hello all you beachgoers! Try a new and exciting way to ride down 30a. Avoid parking congestion and save money on gas (our scooters get about 100mpg). Enjoy the sea breeze, the sunshine and the wind in your hair when you ride through Seaside. AAA Scooter Rentals and Sales is coming to SoWal to offer beachlovers a unique way to travel down the highway 30a that we all know and love!

We have brand new scooters ready for fun times! Feel free to visit our website:


First tank of gas is on us!

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Beach Fanatic
Jan 14, 2008
Are you kidding me? If the scooters I've been behind on 30A would just go the speed limit I would be OK with that. I think by law they have to. I cannot begin to tell you and complain enough that they do NOT keep up with traffic or go the speed limit and most of the time that makes me late for work. If I was on vacation too it would not be a problem but for locals these scooters are a nightmare to get behind on 30A and everywhere else! You may swear to me they go the speed limit but every one I have ever been behind has never kept up with traffic! I say keep 30A moving because traffic is a real problem and this only makes a bad problem even worse. Don't even get me started on those legal golf carts which are even slower!!!!!
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30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
True story-Sunday, June 23, I was westbound near Watersound in the 45MPH zone, moved past an eastbound parade of cars, I would guess about 12 of them, stuck behind a scooter going I would estimate maybe 20MPH. Why so slow? Because, there was a driver and back passenger. Also, the driver, I'm assuming dad, was craddling a child I would guess to be about 18 months of age between his legs. No helmet, of course, just a baby squeezed between dad's legs with the breeze blowing his hair. I had an out of town visitor with me who saw it and even he asked why anyone would tolerate rental scooters (as this one was) here.


Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
Scooter rentals are a great idea .... if you have organ donor aspirations!

Golf carts are bad enough, scooters will be a disaster.

Leader of the Banned

Beach Fanatic
Apr 23, 2013
All this variety of vehicles freaks out my horse sometimes.

Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
If memory serves, they are not the first scooter rental business. They come and go and are more of a semi-recurring nuicance than anything else.

They aren't the first. They won't be the last.

Sooner or later, though, somebody is going to get hurt badly because as Ron White says... "You can't fix stupid..."


SoWal Insider
Mar 31, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
Everytime I see them in Destin....yes on 98 (because the beach road runs out eventually) I just cringe because it's very obvious the riders are not accustomed to being on 2 wheels, they're usually wearing nothing more than a bathing suit and no head protection. It's only a matter of time before one or several get run down by a '4 wheeler' whose driver is texting. See it ALL THE TIME!! BAD IDEA...
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