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Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
I have no issue with folks letting other folks know about a speed trap. I have issue with the fact that the only reason they are out there is because the tourist have left attitude and they are here to pick on us locals. I would venture to guess, 1. They would prefer to be doing something else and 2. they were requested to sit along 30a occasionally and being there is a lull, well here they are. This is just a guess. I would bet that you would definitely be whining if law enforcement wasn't there for you when spring breakers were messing with the 30A way.
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Beach Fanatic
Mar 16, 2014
Lost in the world
No Bob, using logic.

For the past month there were tourists on bicycles riding along the bike path between Grayton and Watercolor. As you well know, there are two points where a wayward child who drifts off the pah could easily get hit by a car. Or, I suppose, a drunken adult could as well. While all those people were doing this, cars were buzzing by at 35-50 mph. And there was no one enforcing the speed limit.

Now, with the bike path empty, comparatively, the FHP shows up to monitor traffic. Now, you can look at that however you like, but from my perspective, it seems as though the folks around here who believe the tourists can do as they damn well please, might just have a point.


Beach Lover
Jul 10, 2005
As one who uses the bike path, I appreciated that the speed limit is 25. As I said before, I travel that area staying at the 25 mph limit...just wish others would follow suit. Passing me there makes it even more dangerous for those who use the path. Hopefully the county will redo the bridges like they did at Eastern Lake.


Beach Lover
Jul 10, 2005
I appreciate the 25 mph limit--just wish there were consequences for those who don't obey it--I have even had folks pass me going through Seaside between the stop sign and 395...that is just plain stupidity!

Solar Steve

Beach Comber
Sep 27, 2014
Just letting everyone know about the situation & 25mph!
I wish the bikers would obey the stop signs also...
Just sayin'

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
How many of you have actually gotten your speed down to 25mph for the duration of that speed zone? I haven't been able to do it, ever. And I have tried, repeatedly. I've broken the law so many times. I feel so bad. Where can I turn myself in?

Leader of the Banned

Beach Fanatic
Apr 23, 2013
How many of you have actually gotten your speed down to 25mph for the duration of that speed zone? I haven't been able to do it, ever. And I have tried, repeatedly. I've broken the law so many times. I feel so bad. Where can I turn myself in?

I got down to 30, but any lower and I experience shakes, chills, sweating, and vomitting. It's not worth it.
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