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Beach Comber
Apr 28, 2015
I'm sure those who live here are aware South Walton has plenty of money. However, not everyone does, and our Lacrosse club (30A Lacrosse) has to turn kids away sometimes because of equipment costs. I'm not wealthy myself, and I already take a lot of money out of my own pocket to run this startup club. I am hoping to buy about 20 to 30 helmets, and a bunch of shoulder pads. The helmets are not cheap, and my idea is to let the kids who need them the most use them for a small deposit during the season rather than spend $150 on a helmet they may use 1 season. I have included the link to the Go Fund Me account.

Myself and the kids who benefit appreciate any help you can give.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
You should contact LAX.com to see if there are any grants or nonprofits out there too.


Beach Lover
Jun 27, 2008
$150 for a helmet? How much would a typical player spend on all the equipment?


Beach Comber
Apr 28, 2015
The average cost is around $150. The youth helmets sell for around $110, and adult sell for around $180. I used $150 as an average. I look at all the sites lax.com, laxworld, lacrossemonkey, amazon, craigslist. I keep my eye open for helmets, and I buy one from time-to-time when I find a good deal. I am past the deadline for US Lacrosse grants in the first stick program. US Lacrosse does not typically give grants for clubs. They typically give the grants to public schools with teams. As you may or may not know, there are no High School teams in Santa Rosa Beach area... yet.

Bottom line, I'm trying to grow the sport, and while some parents can absorb the cost of equipment, some need help.

Here are some typical equipment costs:
Helmet ~$150
Shoulder pads ~$50
Elbow pads ~$30
Stick ~$40
Gloves ~$40

I'm being conservative with many of the numbers except helmets. Trust me, been buying my kids equipment from all these sites for almost a decade.

Anyway, anything helps. We have been able to generate $120 in donations from 2 people, and it will be used wisely.

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