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Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
BMBV, I fully expect you to duck out on bringing your message to live television in a debate. You are very good at slicing and dicing and rephrasing a legitimate thought by anyone who disagrees with you. You are very good at hiding your name behind a computer. You are very good at repeating a message ad nauseam but so am I so that one makes us even. You are very good at riding the coattails of powerful people or the correct terminology is kissing up. I could go on but suffice it to say that it would be refreshing to see you give your message to The People which is: I bought the beach, I own it, Public stay off my beach and by the way public you are a bunch of losers who should stay in your place of unworthiness. Oh, and shame on you public for not recognizing my power over you.

I do not know you or Reggie but I know what you have typed in this forum. This is just my opinion but your attempt to blame and shame The People for wanting the beach to be a public place will not give you the power that you so much want and need in a televised debate. If you refuse the debate that fact will be very significant. This debate was not my suggestion because I know how people will react to your message of the beach is MINE ALL MINE KEEP OUT. My suggestion was much more community spirited with fun for both sides. Your words above is screaming out the obvious which is you are big and strong and The People are too weak to stand up to you. Are you sociopathic or narcissistic? Speaking of getting old both you and Reggie and others keep trying to put public beach supporters into a category or label that you believe makes them insignificant, weak and unworthy. Not smart...


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
Kathryn, I understand that and agree with you. My position is that both sides are wrong not to find a compromise. Without a compromise one side will win and the other side will lose in court. If the public loses then eventually the majority (if not all) beach will be owned by a few wealthy politically connected individuals. I simply owe it to future generations of my family who enjoy the beach to support keeping the beaches public. At first I thought that it would be okay to have a mix of public and private beach. After reading BMBV, Reggie, FBB and others I realized quickly that powerful people and those that follow powerful people really believe that they are superior to The People. I am not saying these powerful people are bad people. I am only concerned about an abuse of their power.

Theodore Roosevelt had the vision to create public lands because he understood how important it is for The People to have the same opportunity as wealth in enjoying our most wonderful resources. We have a beautiful resource that should be shared now and forever. Speaking of religion Reggie called my message blasphemy. Just think about why he would do that? I hope he got caught up in the moment and did not mean it but if he did then he truly believes he has a God given power over the people. I don't mind people who have more power than me but when they begin to abuse that power we must stand up and say NO. Taking this resource from the public is an abuse of power in my opinion.

bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
New Orleans has a blunt and effective slogan: Be Nice or Leave
You see it posted all around town and on t-shirts, etc.

I propose one for SoWal just as pointed and effective:
Respect The Beach Or Leave

The TDC won't like it but it is the message we need to send.
Keep SoWal Charming may not cut it.

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach

The County is just following the Procedures set forth in unfair, arbitrary House Bill 631 designed to create a process for beach counties wishing to affirm Customary Use. A Bill beachfront owners supported rather than letting the current court cases continue. They can't have it both ways....support the Bill then cry foul and say they are victimized when the County follows the procedures set forth in the Bill.

The Customary Use Ordinance should have held and been decided in the courts but the Florida Legislature at the urging of powerful political forces unfairly overreached against the home rule our County.

Customary Use should have held until Judge Green ruled in this case but the Florida Legislature, by starting the law on July 1, 2018 denied the people the full use of our beaches as they have always used them. This start date, empowering beachfront owners to exclude good people from the sands they have played and relaxed on with their families for hundreds of years. Let the Judge decide or as it will be, Judges.

NO, the County did not just arbitrarily decide to sue the 1200 + properties, they were following orders from the Florida Legislature and reacting to the outlawing of our County’s lawfully passed County Ordinance. The County was put into a box; it was either lose the use of the beach for it's citizens and visitors or follow the HB631 procedures to reinstate Customary Use.

The county had no choice; follow the procedures set forth in house bill 631 or just rollover and let our beaches become a patchwork of private and public beaches. I admire and applaud their conviction by taking measures to preserve the public use of all of our beaches for us and future generations. And if this lawsuit is won the rest of Florida and The Nation can thank them for taking this first important and essential step.

kayti elliott

Beach Lover
Feb 19, 2014
Katie I would love to use my real name, but my son who is better known than I am shares it and I refuse to put him in a situation where some idiot will confuse the two of us.
Having said that I hope not using my given name will continue to annoy you.
I'm not annoyed in the least about you or other people using whatever name they wish to use. But are you afraid that your posts might embarrass your family members or are you afraid for their safety? I just think it's amusing that mp is only angry that BPOs use fake names.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 25, 2012
I'm not annoyed in the least about you or other people using whatever name they wish to use. But are you afraid that your posts might embarrass your family members or are you afraid for their safety? I just think it's amusing that mp is only angry that BPOs use fake names.
That's cuz a couple came on here with multiple fake name accounts and called out community activists by real name. Bully cowards.

bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
I'm not annoyed in the least about you or other people using whatever name they wish to use. But are you afraid that your posts might embarrass your family members or are you afraid for their safety? I just think it's amusing that mp is only angry that BPOs use fake names.
Sounds like a threat.


SoWal Insider
Oct 9, 2015
I'm not annoyed in the least about you or other people using whatever name they wish to use. But are you afraid that your posts might embarrass your family members or are you afraid for their safety? I just think it's amusing that mp is only angry that BPOs use fake names.
Why should I be afraid, are you planning to harm someone?
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