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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL

Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts
Hurricane Michael, the strongest storm to ever hit the Florida Panhandle, left a trail of devastation for the residents and the animals who were left behind.

Alaqua is located approximately 70 miles west from where the storm made landfall, and we are blessed to say that the Refuge is safe with minimal damage. Our animals are also safe and doing well, and we appreciate all the support of many individuals that stepped up to help us.

Alaqua has now turned our efforts to helping those that were in the path of Hurricane Michael. We are in contact with individuals and shelters in the affected areas and are helping in the following ways:

Collection Point:
We are a collection point for supplies to be dispersed to these hard-hit areas. Items most requested now are bottled water, dog and cat food, litter, linens, cleaning products (bleach, soap, topical cleaners). Dog and cat crates are also needed to get animals out and to transport them safely.

Relief Fund:
A donation site has been established for monetary funds that will be used to rescue and house rescued animals, as well as provide emergency funding for the affected areas. You can donate below to help us.

On The Ground Assistance:
Alaqua is ready to take in animals from the storm and has secured placement for displaced horses and farm animals. Our medical team, as well as a team of local veterinarians, are also on stand-by to help injured animals and provide medical treatments as necessary.

If you know of any abandoned or injured animals, please report it to us right away by calling 850-880-6694 or emailing LHood@alaqua.org so that we can coordinate with the proper authorities. At the time of this email, we are still without electricity and phone service, but we are able to get messages and emails to this address.

Reports need to be in the following format:
  1. Your name
  2. Best number to contact you
  3. Email
  4. Exact location of animals and quantity
  5. Additional details such as if they are injured, constrained, abandoned, or running loose (describe situation as best you can)
Please do not attempt to go into the affected areas to search for animals! Again, we are here to help and can coordinate with the proper agencies and provide assistance.

Donate Here!


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Alaqua update
Monday Oct 15

With the recent Hurricane there are hundreds of animals that have been displaced from their homes. If you find a stray animal in the areas hit by the storm there are laws that must be followed. Any stray must be brought to a shelter to be registered with the exact location in which they were found documented. They then will be placed on a hold to allow enough time for the owners to find and claim them. Alaqua Animal Refuge is a designated shelter, if you have found any displaced animals we can help reunite them with their families!


News from Laurie Hood, Founder and Director
Alaqua Animal Refuge

I consider myself one tough cookie - and with all I see I honestly feel bad sometimes that I don't cry. I know that God has given me that defense mechanism and I am grateful. Today was different for me - I found myself an emotional wreck all day. I don't know if its because now an unfamiliar addition has been added to the equation - people who have lost literally EVERYTHING driving up to give up their beloved pets. They are telling me that they had to choose between their pet or their children and the little animals are reaching out to go back to them. It is the worst.

We made the choice to shift what Alaqua does by giving animals a second chance to adding people as well and to give them the time to figure out what is next. We are taking in animals from families who have lost everything until we literally can not take any more. We are taking in owner surrenders of families who know that it will be months before they have a roof over their heads and know its the best thing for their pets. We are taking in injured animals from the storm. For the first time EVER we sent out animals from Alaqua to other humane societies who were anxious to help hurricane pets and our core is disrupted. Its new, unexplored territory, but we know that the animals that left here are better prepared for homes than any other. They have experienced what Alaqua has to offer.

Heres the good news: Our staff and volunteers are the BOMB. They are taking in the hundreds of calls and offering hope to those who had none. They are sitting and caring for animals whose whole world just got turned upside down. They are treating the injured and allowing the ones who do not need to suffer the kindest gift of all, to cross the rainbow bridge. We are moving horses and farm animals out of destroyed areas to farms who have offered a safe place. We are a distribution center for supplies and anyone needing to add pet supplies and food to take into the areas are invited to stop by and FILL UP. The community has stepped up and we are overflowing.

I am SO PROUD of this organization. We are being the example and taking notes! Please consider helping us by donating to this fund. It is going to used only for our efforts and our efforts are huge. Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts/


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
ALAQUA NEEDS YOUR HELP. The need to help hundreds of animals affected by Hurricane Michael are pouring in. We are in need of the following:

FOSTERS! Can you foster an Alaqua animal? Fostering makes a space for an animal in need to come in. All food and medical is covered by Alaqua when you foster. Call us today to help at 850-880-6399 and please fill this form out in advance: Foster an Animal

SHELTER FOR ANIMALS AND PEOPLE: So many people have been displaced and have their pets with them. Are you able to take in animals that have homes but need a temporary place to stay until their humans can get back on their feet? OR do you have a pet friendly place you are willing to allow people to stay in with their pets? If so, please leave a message here with your name, phone number, and what you are able to offer: Lhood@alaqua.org or 850-880-6694

DONATE TO THE RELIEF FUND: A donation site has been established for monetary funds that will be used to rescue and house animals, as well as provide emergency funding for the affected areas. Please click here to donate: Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts



SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Freeport Florida
Update Oct 31

Alaqua has taken in hundreds of animals from the storm, some of them we have boarded for free until their owners can work out what their lives are going to be, some owner surrenders, others have arrived from shelters affected by the storm, and some found wandering and confused. We have taken them ALL. Our last count was almost 600 animals and there is no indication that it is slowing down any time soon. Rescue partners from across the country have assisted us in taking in animals so that we can continue to help more.

We are also a distribution center for supplies and have taken and and redistributed close to 20,000 pounds of food!

Please take a moment to see what our "transformed" refuge looks like and consider helping us by donating to: Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts

Note: Any found animals are NOT being adopted out and are on a 30 day hold to try to locate their owners.

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