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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
The Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show is held at Pensacola Naval Air Station, Florida, on Friday and Saturday, November 11& 12, 2011. Gate admission is free. Gates open at 8 am each day. The show begins at 9:45 am, with the Blues scheduled to fly around 2 pm.* The pilots do sign autographs after the show. Over 100,000 people are expected to view the show daily.

More information.


This is truly an incredible event!
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Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I see your Blue Angels video and raise you...to the original "Dreams" video with the old A4 Skyhawks. As many shows as I have seen and have done with them, the A4 is still the best demo plane they ever used. It was so small and quick. It doesn't have the smoke and thunder of the FA-18's, but they were great. Plus, as you will see at the end of the video, they used to do a 6 ship delta formation landing. They can't do that, anymore...


Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Delta has an air show team that I am a part of. We display a 757 at 5-6 shows each year. Lot's of fun. The Blues' #1 from last year...and subsequently, this year after the 2011 #1 stepped down is the son of a guy I used to work with. When my friend retired a few years ago, the Navy allowed Greg McWherter to fly his FA-18 to Delta's Technical Operations Center to attend a celebration for his dad. Very cool. Last year and the year before the #4 Thunderbirds pilot was a Delta 767-400 pilot. He was the first Reserve Officer to be selected to the team. You get to know the teams as a result of the gatherings after the shows for the performers and displays.

Delta is always on the Pensacola show's list of attendees with an asterisk. We haven't been in a couple years as our Sr Management decides which shows we will do based on the markets and visibility. Despite that they always ask us to come!

I would urge all to go. They have been talking this show up since last year when we were with them at the Dayton Air Show. It's the 100th anniversay of Naval aviation. They have big plans...
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