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Beach Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
Hey SoWal Peeps,

We are over here at Seaside ... Perspicasity to be more specific. This is a little gross .... but One of the Seaside cats appears to have a cyst or something that may have burst on his backside. We are wondering if there are any generous folks out there in SoWal world might be able to have a peek at him if you are in the neighborhood and see if there is anything we could do to help him out. He is a wild cat so we can't just throw in the car and bring him to the vet. Any help would be much appreciated.

Many Blessings & Thanks!


Beach Fanatic
Jul 10, 2005
you might want to call the vet that is on 30A just past the elementary school. also, there might be a way to get him in a "have-a-heart" trap for a trip to the vet. [they might have one to use]. poor little guy! i would try to get him to a vet - i would help you, but am not in town for a couple of more weeks. i have several cats of my own - i probably would not fool around with getting a lay opinion. would the "whisker's friends" folks help? (is that group still around?) if you want, i could call my vet and pose the question - but i am guessing that he should have an antibiotic or something.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Be very careful handling wild cats- cat scratches and bites are bad.

I have always thought Seaside takes a big liability risk in feeding these cats. Domestic cats "trying" to live in the wild do not have a great life- injury and disease is more common than not.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
It could be an abscess that opened up. Those are quite common in outdoor cats - they come from a fight with another cat, usually. An antibiotic would be in order if that is the case. I don't have a trap or I would come help you. Who is feeding the Seaside cats these days? Maybe you could call whoever that is? I believe Janet Evans works at Alys Beach now.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
Thanks for everyone's help. We did phone a couple of vets who were kind enough to call us back. It seems everyone is of the same sort of opinion ... that it probably is an abscess that opened but treating this is the difficult part --- since the cat is wild, he would probably need to be sedated and without being able to follow up with treatment ... it just becomes too difficult ... so, we are going to keep our eye on him for the next few days and see what happens ... we just felt bad for the poor guy ... he's staying so close to us today ... hopefully he at least feels safe .... Again, many thanks for all the kind responses and generous offers ...


Beach Fanatic
Jul 10, 2005
one last idea: ask the vet you talked to about amoxycillin (sp??). the last time we had a sick kitty, the prescription was the people version, which we got at the pharmacy for $4. it was liquid and we easily mixed it into some food. it's worth a try! our son rescued a seaside cat a bit over a year ago, and she is adorable - wish that could be the outcome for all of them!


Beach Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
It sounds like an abscess. The last I knew the cats were fed and looked after by a group called Whisker's Friends. The last phone # I had was
850-231-0261. The shop employees may know more. Many of the cats over by Perspicasity are fairly tame, but this could be a wilder one. Sorry if my information is outdated, but it may be worth a try.

florida girl

Beach Fanatic
Feb 3, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
I understand Whiskers Friends are in operation any more. I wonder who is taking up the slack? I do know there is a real need for this type of program, but the county doesn't fund this type of thing, it depends completely on donations. If you can catch the cat, Neosporin works well on a wound, and should help until something more proper could be done.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I understand Whiskers Friends are in operation any more. I wonder who is taking up the slack? I do know there is a real need for this type of program, but the county doesn't fund this type of thing, it depends completely on donations. If you can catch the cat, Neosporin works well on a wound, and should help until something more proper could be done.

Neosporin on the cat or them after they try to pick it up?Don't pick the cat up, if it is wild it is going to hurt you. Wild animals don't know that you are trying to help them. They simply understand pain and to get away from it.
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