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Darlene is my middle name, not my nickname
Dec 20, 2004
Lacey's Spring, Alabama
ladydebubba60 said:
:D Now here is a place that has good country breakfasts. The sawmill gravy and biscuits and egg breakfasts will make your mouth water. They show one in Pensacola, one in Destin, and one in Crestview. Check out this link:


If you are traveling south on I-65 headed to the beach, don't bother stopping at the one in Cullman. The service is very bad and it was not clean to my standards, and the food was cold when it arrived, and it took a long time for it to arrive. It may just be this one though. I have a good experiences with other one's that I have tried.

Lady D

SoWal Insider
Jun 21, 2005
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
I pass one on Hacks Cross Rd. every Sunday morning on my way to church. That is one hopping place. People standing outside on the long porch waiting to get in, parking lot packed with vehicles on both sides of the building, including RV's. And of course, there is a Holiday Inn Select built right behind it so I am sure alot of those people go over there and eat. I like to look around at the unusual gift items they have! :D

katie blue

kt loo
Mar 11, 2005
in perpetual motion
Like Sock Monkeys!

Lady D

SoWal Insider
Jun 21, 2005
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Katie Blue, I have a sock monkey just like that. My grandmother made this one though. Looks just like it though.Wondering if they still have those interesting puzzles that you have to work every which way to undo? Haven't been in one in a while. We would stand and try to undo those things for the longest amount of time. Have been in the Casey Jones restaurant in Jackson, Tennessee which is just like it but they do not have all that Cracker Barrel has.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
Mrs Skunk and I went to the one on the western side of Pensacola, not sure of the exit. Anyway, they had the usual clutter on the wall, but they have a KICKIN' photo collection of country singers taken in the early 1990s. Each is a promo shot with a message akin to "thanks cracker barrel"; anyway, the wall is a hall of fame saluting some of the most handsome mullets I have ever seen. Go check it out. :cool:


Beach Lover
Nov 23, 2004
ladydebubba60 said:
:D Now here is a place that has good country breakfasts. The sawmill gravy and biscuits and egg breakfasts will make your mouth water. They show one in Pensacola, one in Destin, and one in Crestview. Check out this link:

Check out Corams on Highway 98 about 5 miles east of 30A east intersection. Waffle House style breakfast (which means good in my book), only better. You'll leave fat an' happy.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Or if you want, here is a do-it-yourself Cracker Barrel style meal, minus having to sit and rock for an hour until your name is called. Go to Publix and get a pound of bacon, a pound of butter, pancake and biscuit mix, a dozen donuts, a dozen eggs, and some coffee. Done!

The best purchase I ever made at Cracker Barrel was the "See Rock City" birdhouse. Now THAT was a true heirloom.:clap_1:

Ughh..the thought of all that fat has made me sick. Think I will start a salad and fruit/veggie thread.

Lady D

SoWal Insider
Jun 21, 2005
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
southof30A, we usually hit the actual Waffle House down there but have not tried Corams. I can tell though, by the number of cars always there, it must be a good place! They don't serve corned beef hash do they? That was the only thing I did not like about Waffle House!


May 30, 2005
redneck heaven
never, ever have the steak at cracker barrel, always have the country ham instead

try the bisquits and syrup (be sure to demand extra syrup twice from different waitresses and take home the extra bottles)

try to eat one whole covered peach desert thingy and 5 cups of coffee (and nothing else), then see how drunk you walk to the car afterward (just don't drive)!
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