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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
An addendum that was sent with the above letter sent to the governor:

[Edit - I was sent the info below - dated May 14 - and I thought it was not Walton County's plan to DPBR because it appears to be simply an addendum to the request to the governor. But apparently it is Walton County's Plan because I just received this clarification:
Attached, please find Walton County’s plan to reopen Short Term Vacation Rentals.
Our plan was drafted with input from the Governor’s office and the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. As directed, we submitted this plan to the DPBR, where it was reviewed and shared one comment with us regarding language they suggested we add. We made the requested amendment and resubmitted it to them Friday evening.
While it was our understanding that the review and decision would be made by the DBPR Secretary, we have come to learn that the final decision rests with the Governor.
During contact with his office today, it was relayed to us that several staff within his administration would be reviewing the request and that it would be addressed as soon as possible.
We reminded the Governor’s office of the importance of a quick turnaround, as this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day weekend plays a critical role in the ability of our Short Term Rental agencies and individuals to survive through this season.
We are in continuous contact with our assets in Tallahassee and will continue to work diligently until we receive an answer to our request.
While we are confident in our submission, it should be noted that this information may change prior to final approval.
We will use all means to notify the public and stakeholders once we get a response.]

May 14, 2020

As addendum to our previous letter urging the end of short-term rental bans in Walton County, we want to bring to your attention the safety and cleaning guidelines suggested by the Vacation Rental Management Association and the Vacation Rental Hospitality Professionals (summarized below and attached in full). These guidelines (when implemented in addition standards set by the CDC) seek to establish an industry wide best practice to ensure guest safety, and we submit the following as Walton County’s plan to ensure the safety of our visitors, residents and employees

COVID-19 Disinfection and Sanitization

  • to allow airborne droplets to settle.
  • Surfaces should be cleaned and then disinfected, in two distinct steps.
  • Cleaning personnel and vacation rental staff should dispose of gloves and use hand sanitizer before entering their vehicle.
  • Cleaning personnel and vacation rental staff should follow CDC handwashing guidelines throughout the day.
  • All cleaning personnel and vacation rental staff should wear masks and disposable gloves and be trained in their proper usage. (Including disposing of gloves and masks as needed.)
  • All cleaning personnel and vacation rental staff should wear splash goggles that protect their eyes from air and/or liquid.

Products, Cleaning Agents, and Equipment

  • Cleaning personnel and vacation rental staff should use cleaning project inline with the EPA’s list of products with “Emerging Viral Pathogens AND Human Coronavirus claims for use against SARS-CoV-2.”
  • Disinfecting procedures should allow for required dwell time to kill the viruses and microbes.
  • Disinfectant products should be used on all major surfaces.

Cleaning and Inspections

  • Extra time must be allowed for enhanced cleaning procedures to take place.
  • Guests should be asked to turn on all ceiling fans and/or HVAC fans when leaving to facilitate air circulation.
  • If multiple members of the cleaning and/or vacation rental staff are present at a property, they should maintain at least 6’ apart at all times, and wear masks and gloves.
  • Remote check ins should be made available when possible to cut down on face to face interactions.

Soft Surfaces and Upholstery

  • A pressurized pump sprayer should be used to distribute a sanitizing product across all soft surfaces.
  • Dirty linens and bedding should be handled and sanitized in such a way as to safeguard cleaning staff and prevent the spread of viruses and germs. (See VRMA/VRHP recommendations.)
  • Cleaning personnel and vacation rental staff shall remove gloves, use hand sanitizer and put on fresh gloves after handling dirty linens.
  • Blankets/comforters shall be removed for laundering and replaced with a freshly washed item or covered with a freshly washed duvet cover as an alternative.
  • Linens and bedding should be professionally laundered for proper cleaning.

Trash Removal
  • For both inside and outside trash gathering, gloves and masks should be worn at all times.
  • Disinfectant will be used on the trash barrel, and a fresh liner or bag should be used inside the barrel or bin.


  • All guests will vacate property before maintenance staff enters.
  • Technicians will wear gloves and masks at all times and dispose of those properly after exiting. Anyone entering a property less than 18 hours after guests have vacated should wear splash goggles.

Owner and Guest Policies

  • Extra throw blankets, decorative pillows or other soft objects will be put away until further notice.

Telling Your Story
  • Notice will be provided to guests alerting them that the property has been properly cleaned and sanitized.

All visitors are expected to follow Florida Executive orders 20-86 and 20-82, and individuals and rental agencies will refrain from accepting reservations from COVID 19 hot spots in the country for the next 45 days`


  • Letter to Governor STR.pdf
    53 KB · Views: 2
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Beach Fanatic
Jun 26, 2010
This is nothing but fluff but at the end of the day it will not matter - Who will be able to afford a vacation when we have an employment rate that is sky high? I agree Escambia county certainly has more meat and potatoes with regard to it's package but it looks like a cut and paste from other CDC packages..
You must not be in SoWal and already can see we are busting at the seams with visitors - owners, friends, illegal renters, whatever ... I don't doubt that as soon as rentals are open we will be full as always. Lots of people sick of their home and hometowns out there and lots of people who don't even know what a mask is.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
I want to know where all these folks doing the /cleaning/sanitizing are going to get their supplies. Because they arent going to get any gloves/masks or hand sanitizer at any of the stores around here. And I seriously doubt most of these rentals have an extra set of comforters/shams.


Beach Lover
Mar 8, 2019
The WCBCC plan comes across as rushed and unrealistic; to try and push it through for this weekend doesn't allow time for the relevant parties to prepare for these guidelines to be adhered to. And the comments accompanying the plan, quoted above in red, are just embarrassing.
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Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
The WCBCC plan comes across as rushed and unrealistic; to try and push it through for this weekend doesn't allow time for the relevant parties to prepare for these guidelines to be adhered to. And the comments accompanying the plan, quoted above in red, are just embarrassing.
Strikes me as a done deal from Tally and people going through the motions.

Jimmy T

Beach Fanatic
Apr 6, 2015
It's a cleaning plan and does not address the broader picture of opening STR. It's just going to be business as usual.


Beach Lover
Dec 2, 2007
pt. washington & niceville
It all sounds so very nice and proper but as a previous condo cleaner, I'm shaking my head in disbelief, that all these processes will actually happen. Yes, most cleaners have to purchase their own supplies, vacuums, mops etc. They don't make enough money to say buy a new mop head for each unit, change the vacuum bag in-between units...how do you sanitize carpeting? Just all the details are mind-boggling. I was working with a management company so they laundered all sheets & towels, but the blankets, quilts, bath mats were cleaned at the discretion of the housekeeper. The kitchen seems the most dangerous because you would only clean what was previously used...say they didn't use the blender, you're not going to clean that, but someone might have coughed on it or touched it? It's never going to be a sanitized operating room.


Beach Lover
Mar 8, 2019
Strikes me as a done deal from Tally and people going through the motions.

Agreed 100%. I’d be surprised if even 10% of these guidelines are ever followed or put into practice. As long as the $ are flowing in, who cares?
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