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Beach Fanatic
Apr 3, 2009
Seaside Neighborhood School is a public charter school in the Walton County School System - learn more at http://www.seasideschool.net


A growing year-round population . . . few high school options . . . overcrowded elementary schools . . . academic scores that are slipping . . . these are the challenges facing the citizens of South Walton County. These are the challenges the Seaside Neighborhood School hopes to address with your help by expanding and building a new:

  • Elementary school campus and
  • Seacoast Collegiate High school with Northwest Florida State College
Since the founding of the Seaside Neighborhood School, the population of Walton County has nearly doubled. Today, there are more than 55,793 people and 22,916 households in the County.* There are 3,235 children under the age of five.* Today’s toddlers need a place to go to elementary school in the very near future, and there are limited options in the southern part of the County.

Overcrowding is already an issue. The Walton County School Board recently moved fifth graders from Bay Elementary and Van R. Butler Elementary to area middle schools to relieve the congestion. There is talk of moving fourth graders as well.

Building a new elementary school within the Seaside charter will begin to address this problem, but there are other challenges, as well.

The data appears to show that the fifth graders who left Bay and Butler for Emerald Coast and Freeport Middle Schools performed worse after the move to the middle school environment.

In addition to elementary school challenges, problems persist at the high school level as well. Each year, some of our best and brightest students flee the County to pursue high school opportunities in Niceville and elsewhere.

There’s more we can do to enhance public education opportunities for children and to provide more options for parents. If South Walton is to thrive and grow as a year-round community, we must do better.

The Seaside Solution: A Crown Jewel in the Heart of 30A

Since its founding, Seaside School has been a unique experiment that has turned into a nationally-recognized resource for the community. Consider some of the accomplishments and features of this innovative school:

  • Ranked the third highest performing out of 583 middle schools in the State of Florida
  • Florida Department of Education’s “A” rating for 2011
  • 100% of students taking the 2012 Algebra 1 EOC scored a level 5 (the highest score)
  • 100% of students taking the 2012 Geometry EOC scored a level 3 (the highest score in 2012 for Geometry). One student made a perfect score on the Geometry EOC.
  • Low student-to-teacher ratio
  • Strong parental involvement
  • Community faculty members
  • Curriculum that is developmentally responsive, performance based and interdisciplinary
  • A small school environment
All of this is taking place from the neighborhood school in the heart of Seaside, Florida.

We believe the time is right to take this same approach and commitment to public education by implementing the Seaside solution for a student’s entire pre-college academic career throughout grades K through 12.

Advantages of a Small School

  • Attitudes are more positive toward school subjects
  • Extracurricular participation is higher
  • Attendance is better
  • Smaller percentage of students drop out
  • Academic achievement is higher
  • Higher rate of parent participation
  • Students and staff have stronger personal efficacy
  • Students are held accountable
  • Students have a greater sense of belonging

Why a Sense of Belonging is Important

When students feel they belong, they experience:

  • An enhanced sense of self-worth
  • Increased self-confidence
  • More motivation
  • Higher expectations for success
  • A stronger belief in their academic work

Sense of belonging recognizes the importance of the teacher-student relationship and active involvement of life in the classroom and community.


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
I wonder how the teachers, families, and students who are having a good experience at our regular public schools feel when they read that the schools that educate most of SoWal's kids are terrible? That is certainly not the experience of many. It is sad that the charter school supporters have to tear down the other schools instead of talk about their accomplishments. My biggest disappointment in this community is the divisiveness brought on by charter program selling itself as "necessary" to get the best education, which is not true. It is just a different school structure, not better , just different. It will suit some families, not others.


Beach Lover
Jun 24, 2012
I wonder how the teachers, families, and students who are having a good experience at our regular public schools feel when they read that the schools that educate most of SoWal's kids are terrible? That is certainly not the experience of many. It is sad that the charter school supporters have to tear down the other schools instead of talk about their accomplishments. My biggest disappointment in this community is the divisiveness brought on by charter program selling itself as "necessary" to get the best education, which is not true. It is just a different school structure, not better , just different. It will suit some families, not others.
We won't be hearing any complaints from teachers. They're afraid to speak out. BTW, any word on if and when the teachers may get the money that Gov. Scott promised?


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
I wonder how the teachers, families, and students who are having a good experience at our regular public schools feel when they read that the schools that educate most of SoWal's kids are terrible? That is certainly not the experience of many. It is sad that the charter school supporters have to tear down the other schools instead of talk about their accomplishments. My biggest disappointment in this community is the divisiveness brought on by charter program selling itself as "necessary" to get the best education, which is not true. It is just a different school structure, not better , just different. It will suit some families, not others.

I have always heard very good things about Walton County public schools, as well as typical problems and issues. I do wish public schools would come up with a more sophisticated model of administration. Today's education should be modelled on the best of education principles. I think that's what the charter schools truly try to exemplify, though they are still under the same old bad system as well, but adds a level of excellence in educational programs...

The old system needs to go, starting with the awful tradition of an elected superintendent and a political school board setting education policy. I've never understood this model. I am amazed at how our local schools actually do so well under this system. Imagine what they could be with an updated, professional model of education..

I am so thankful to have a local public charter school that does imagine.. And shoots for excellence in its programs and standards for education in this community. Its a real gift that helps raise the bar for all our schools and children. I'm seeing it first hand this year and I'm blown away by the teachers and programs.

I'm thankful that we have several models of good education settings in this little town, including great little private schools! They are not perfect but they are good and safe and truly they are all schools we can be proud of.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 3, 2009
I don't hear about any division. We are lucky to have good schools and no big city issues yet. The charter school was founded when Walton schools were pretty bad and "old school" - pardon the pun. So there was bitterness. The old guard's still stinging that anyone would find fault with the status quo. The Seaside school is ranked very high and that says something! It has probably helped raise the other local schools up - competition is a good thing. And probably some natural jealousy too.

There is nothing in my post that tears down anyone - just states the way thinfs are. It's shocking to me how many locals don't know Seaside is a public school and not private. The school system should take pride in the Seaside school and embrace the differences.


Beach Lover
Dec 31, 2012
We know the reputation of the Seaside School all the way in Atlanta. That's why I'll be supporting it at the annual 5-K and Half Marathon. Competition is a good thing....it pushes everyone to do their best.
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