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James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
Those who frequent the town of Seaside soon will notice some changes.

Construction on a new boardwalk being built between the Coleman Obelisk and Bud & Alley’s recently started.

“Where you are walking on sand now is getting a boardwalk,” said architect and urbanist Dhiru Thadani.

A large new stage will be completed on the Lyceum grounds this month. The stage will face the lawn for concerts for 1,000 people or turn the other way for a 350-person gathering.

Seaside’s iconic post office is slated to be moved from its long-time spot on 30A to the north side of Central Square in April. This is the spot it always was intended to occupy, but town founder Robert Davis placed it on 30A in the development’s early days to attract people to the town.

There will be bike parking at the new post office plaza and a dozen palms will be brought in for ambiance there. Seven new restrooms also will be constructed at the plaza.

There will be no changes to the post office building. The post office was moved once before when it was brought 25 feet closer to 30A, which is when the front porch gained side steps in place of the original front steps.

Bud & Alley’s Restaurant will see some consolidation in September 2019 when its Taco Bar is brought inside. The addition will be constructed north of the existing Bud & Alley’s along County 30A. The original Bud & Alley’s will remain the same. Where the Taco Bar is now will become a walkway straight through to the Gulf.

Seaside Neighborhood School is expanding to include kindergarten-eighth grade, which will double its number of students. To accommodate that many students, the school is getting six new buildings in the Lyceum to include two two-story buildings and four one-story buildings. This will be done in phases and be complete in the Academy Village by 2020. Part of the complex includes a concert hall for chamber music next to the existing assembly building so there can be more art events.

“This is geared towards making that possible,” said Thadani.

There are several other projects in the planning stage, but nothing is concrete yet, he said.

Seaside changes begin
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