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Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Most of the people I have spoken with think we have several great candidates with real solutions not that there is no great choice. Try picking the best one to appeal to non republicans in the general election is all I'm saying. I would never claim to know what the consensus is among the general population. A good geographical blend paired with a moderate and conservative is a good ticket.

Great? Sorry but you just lost all credibility. Respectfully if you think there are great candidates then we might swallow that and learn something about you. But when you say most of the people you talk to agree wtih you then....


Beach Lover
Jun 23, 2011
As usual, a good & straight forward thread getting off track. It feels like listening to the debates. Throw out a name instead of playing politics. Who do you want or think is a viable candidate to win? She simply asked for a name...
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