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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Pics coming - all that beach scraping turned out to be a terrible idea as I suspected. There is no sand on the beach. Ivan started it, the scraping lowered the level a couple of feet and Arlene took the rest.

If the scraping had not been done, Arlene would have been just what the Dr. ordered. Arlene and all the weather in between would have repaired the beaches. Although the dunes would have taken a couple of years of natural forces to repair themselves, they would be stronger over time.

Don't be in such a rush, don't interfere with nature.


Beach Lover
Apr 29, 2005
The sheriff's patrol would not let anybody on Grayton Beach this morning. Apparently, this is due to the debris on the beach. Please let us know if there is there is going to be a clean up patrol organized in which we can participate.


Beach Fanatic
kurt said:
Pics coming - all that beach scraping turned out to be a terrible idea as I suspected. There is no sand on the beach. Ivan started it, the scraping lowered the level a couple of feet and Arlene took the rest.

If the scraping had not been done, Arlene would have been just what the Dr. ordered. Arlene and all the weather in between would have repaired the beaches. Although the dunes would have taken a couple of years of natural forces to repair themselves, they would be stronger over time.

Don't be in such a rush, don't interfere with nature.

You may be right. The scraping shortened the beach on each pass, but I think it was a roll of the dice to see if they could get through the next season without a hit, with kick-started dunes, and let the beachfront build itself back.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rolling the dice is bad business.

I'm afraid now we'll hear cries of "do something, do something" - louder than last fall. Talk of renourishment, etc.

Pretty soon the impatience will mean gritty brown sand dumped on the beach, and shorter beaches in the long term.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Maybe we should let the Gulf front homes wash out to see. Our views would be greatly improved, and the dunes would come back naturally. Any thoughts?


Beach Fanatic
Mar 7, 2005
The beach scraping was a bad idea IMHO. That ugly black stuff is awful. And there were no plantings established to hold the sand in place, especially since people trampled down the dunes, not allowing any vegetation to take hold. I'm with you, Kurt - we should have let nature take care of it. And I'm sure the scraping cost all of us taxpayers a boatload of $.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 7, 2005
My sister was at Seagrove during the storm, and she said she couldn't believe how high the water level was relative to the top of the dunes. Someone said that's because it was high tide. The top of the bluff where we are is 35 feet. Actually some of our neighbors say that it could never get that high. Now I'm not so sure after what my sister saw on Saturday. And Arlene wasn't even a hurricane!
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