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Beach Fanatic
Dec 24, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Brah Ha Surf Shop recieved a disturbing letter from Gulf Place Resort.(our store is in Gulf Place) Gulf Place Resort does not want "local teens on the grounds or they will call the sheriff", local teens are part of our surf team and surf club.

My response to them would be-
Go ahead- call the sheriff. I do not believe there is anything enforcable that prohibits people (yes, Gulf Place- local teens are people) from being on the grounds. Let me know if I am missing something...

Gulf Place Home Assoc. thinks our shop is an eyesore.

These fuddy duddys can think what they want. I presonally believe that beautiful developments that are empty with for sale/for lease signs are an eyesore and scream- we are struggling in this down economy. I also personally think that they are lucky to have you there and should be reminded of this as well as the fact that you are operating a SURF SHOP in a beach community. Hello???!!! Surf shops belong in beach communities!!!

Gulf Place is instructing us to tell our customers to be courteous when on the grounds.

Again, let them think what they want. You can instruct your customers (or not) as you see fit. Are the other business being asked to instruct their customers to be courteous? "Hi, welcome to The Artists at Gulf Place. Hi, welcome to Miss Lucille's Gossip Parlor. Hi, welcome to SoHo. We're glad you are here patronizing our businesses but may I instruct you to please be courteous".


What does all this mean?

It means someone is focusing on the wrong things and doing a disservice to the ownership that pays them to manage, market and make profitable a retail development. I would be more understanding if Gulf Place was thriving and they could pick and choose which businesses are there. But GP does NOT appear at all to be thriving to the casual observer. So again- THEY ARE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU THERE!

Keep doing what you do. We are glad you are part of the community and SHAME on the moron(s) who sent you this letter!

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Beach Lover
Jul 24, 2007
welcome to what is quickly becoming a Police State


Beach Comber
Apr 30, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, Fl
What a shame that Gulf Place is acting this way toward you and our local teens. Our teens, at least the ones that surf and come to your shop are good kids. Profiling is what they have to say about what is going on around here. Just because they are young people, doesn't mean that they are trouble. Courteous should start with the adults, you treat someone with respect and respect is what you will get in return for these young people. If Gulf Place really doesn't want our locals on site, then does that also mean that they don't need our support? Everyone that goes to Gulf Place end up in several of the businesses there--spending our money---making recommendations to the tourist that come to our area--- and that can change. We've had our run in with the GPS, just for walking thru the area. I shouldn't have to explain what I'm doing there to someone that is just way to controlling. You need to ease up, go with the flow, respect what you have in the locals. We help to keep you alive when the tourist go home. Maybe GP should take care of their personnel problems, before trying to point the finger at others. They say that when you point a finger at someone, there are always 3 pointing back at you.Thank you for the positive atmosphere that you have provided for our surfers and skaters. They young people do belong! They serve our food, clean-up after us, carry our chairs, clean our beaches, help people, very active with our tourist, used in a lot in the advertisement and some may become the next group of business people for the area. I do hope that they are not run off because of a sad few.
I think your shop is as cute as can be and makes a huge draw for Gulf Place, to bad they don't realize it. I'm sure there are a number of people that would love to have your business in their complex.

Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
Welcome to the unfortunate truth about mixed use properties. This stinks for you and I believe your business is exactly what the "youts" of this place need.
I hope you can find a place, maybe the Blue Orleans, if the furniture people next door don't mind and have a successful peaceful existence. Shaka!

I respectfully suggest that the problem is not with the mixed-use development, but with the attitudes of people who have become accustomed to monoculture developments and have forgotten what true community looks and feels and sounds like.

Just to be clear, I don't blame the people with these attitudes -- seems their distorted views are the product of distorted environments (sprawl and all its concommitant ills). I strongly believe that the monoculture-sprawl pattern of development that has dominated in America for at least the last half century has created a whole host of unintended consequences, yielding great damage to our communities, our health, our environment, and our economy. Nobody meant for that to happen, but it has, and so we have healing pains, perhaps, as we learn again as a culture to live in healthier mixed-use environments.
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Beach Lover
Apr 1, 2008
this is almost too silly!

when i was a teenager(long ago), we hung out at places our friends worked...the mall, pizza joints and so on. i would rather see them there instead of going off doing who knows what. you have to remember we were all teenagers once and now we are bringing up our own. i would rather see my kids there, as long as they weren't disturbing others.

For The Health Of It

Beach Fanatic
Jul 29, 2005
Brah Ha Surf Shops customers happen to also be local business people, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, real-estate agents, artists, ext.... I am proud to shop at this local surf shop, I am even more proud to Surf with these Great Teens. Some of hese teens I used to teach at Bay Elem.

Someone mentioned the old Blue Orleans location for you. As I have said before, I would love to have you in our neighborhood. What an asset to the health of the youth of this community.

Hang in there or come our way, either way, Brah Ha will have my business and support.

Ed Berry
For The Health Of IT

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Several of you touched on it -- It is "people," not buildings, who make a community. In too many developments, people are absent. Let's keep the people in our wonderful communities in Walton County.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 11, 2005
You know, you never hear any news out of Gulf Place that is good. I'd say, regrettably, that when the lease runs out, Brah Ha should move somewhere more tolerant. Your customers will follow, they are there to see you, not because they want to visit Gulf Place.


Beach Lover
May 7, 2007
But Gulf Place 's Town Center is not just about convenience. The charm of a commercial area created with pedestrians in mind, coupled with the spectacular beach views from its verdant park and sweeping boulevard, celebrates the best in community design.

Sounds like a design flaw lol


Beach Fanatic
Oct 1, 2006
Dune Allen
Brah Ha Surf Shops customers happen to also be local business people, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, real-estate agents, artists, ext....

Ed Berry
For The Health Of IT

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