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Beach Fanatic
Apr 1, 2007
I need to vent...

I sick of our or at least MY coverage getting worse in the area. I've had to be on the Edge network all weekend because of system overload. Ok, I get it, they don't have enough infrastructure for the amount of visitors we get. But, now, on Tuesday morning, I should be back up and running just fine, right???

Well, I'm not!

I spent 45 mins. on the phone early this morning and the only thing that happened is I dropped three phone calls. You would think that they would call you back, espcially since they ask for a good call back number, if you get disconnected! No, they want you to have to go thru the whole song and dance each time you call them. It really sucks.

In a nut shell, my problem is this...my phone won't work! It used to work, it wants to work but for some reason, it doesn't.

I have called in several times this summer and it is always the same thing, they placate. They say they will check the area but nothing ever gets better.

I worked in the Grayton General Store from May this past weekend. Initially, I could stream Youtube and other video sites but, following an early June storm, that ceased. For most of the summer, I could barely get a phone call inside the store let along video or the like.

Are you like me and drop a call nearly everytime you are just east of the G store?

Anyway, I'll stop ranting...

If you are having any similar problems, please call and complain! Maybe our collective squeeky wheel will get some grease.



Beach Fanatic
Jul 17, 2010
According to consumer reports, many people have problems with AT&T. They are the lowest ranked of all cell phone providers.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 4, 2008
Roosevelt, MN
My At&t signal has been going downhill for at least 9 months now. I went in and they gave me a new Sim card which did nothing to help. I'm done complaining without being heard and so am taking my business elsewhere.
Three years ago I got out of a contract with Verizon because they had no coverage along a lot of 30-A and I need it for business. I'm now going back to Verizon. They've made some strategic acquisitions and it seems they have a much better signal. My wife uses them and I've drug her around with her phone to prove they have a signal where I need it.
Bye Bye AT&T....you should have listened. :wave:
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