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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Extended hours at Bud & Alley's Restaurant on Sunday Aug 26... And here are other businesses around town to visit on Sunday for completing your affidavit of Customary Use on our beaches and have it notarized and submitted. Bring your driver's license.

We need every affidavit so make sure to visit the South Walton County Annex by Sept 8 or visit one of our local businesses hosting events through Sept 8.

So far there are approximately 1500 affidavits submitted. Many more coming in over the weekend and through the next two weeks. Please share info with your friends and family members wherever they may live .. If they are South Walton beach lovers. Visit the Walton County website for everything you need to submit an affidavit and photos. Or see instructions here: https://sowal.com/forum/threads/submit-customary-use-affidavits-photos-to-walton-county-info-for-locals-visitors.94267/

Visit the Local Govt and Groups Forum for details and discussions on the Walton County Customary Use issue and public hearing on Sept 8 at South Walton High School at 9am. Thanks to forum members for helping post about the latest updates and news.

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