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Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Moxy Grand Boulevard, one of two major development projects presented at the meeting, is a request on behalf of MHG Grand Boulevard to construct 61,688 square feet of hotel and retail space, consisting of a 115-unit hotel and 4,600 square feet of retail space.

The location would be 1.45 acre the south side of Grand Boulevard, 0.17 mile from Baytowne Lane, fronting and on the north side of U.S. 98.

The property is in a Mixed Use future land use area and a Coastal Center Mixed Use zoning district.

Requirements and variances for the Sandestin Development of Regional Impact (DRI) are to apply to the project, according to the staff report, since the project site is located within the DRI area.

Height for the hotel is proposed at 97 feet, 4.4 inches, according to the report, and this height is allowable based on a variance approved by the Walton County Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) in 1986, also per the report.

For stormwater management, an exfiltration system located below the project parking lot is proposed and is to provide a storage capacity of 6,019.58 cubic feet.

The project is proposed to connect to Grand Boulevard, with a 5-foot-wide sidewalk to be provided throughout the development.

Among reviewer comments on the project were a comment from Walton County Public Works Engineering calling for the number of parking spaces to be increased from the proposed 121 spaces to a required minimum of 145 spaces.

Representing the applicants, engineer David Smith said they were working to address reviewer comments and would be doing a resubmittal during the week of July 24.

Due to the project site being located on the U.S. 98 Scenic Corridor, the proposal will require review before the Walton County Design Review Board (DRB). The committee members voted to move it forward to DRB consideration subject to outstanding reviewer comments being addressed.

Later the project is to undergo review by the Walton County Planning Commission and final consideration by the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC).

Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Moxy Grand Boulevard is a request on behalf of MHG Grand Blvd MX, L.L.C., for approval of a 61,688-square-foot development to include a 115-unit hotel and 4,600 square feet of retail space on 1.45 acres on the south side of Grand Boulevard in Sandestin, north of U.S. 98. The property is just west of Sunset Shoes at Grand Boulevard and is currently vacant and wooded.

Representing the applicants, engineer David Smith explained that the lower level of the proposed hotel would be retail similar to the other shops at Grand Boulevard.

Stormwater management for the project, he continued, would be an underground exfiltration system that would be designed to meet 100-year storm standards and would connect into the DOT drainage system.

An architect for the project noted that Moxy is a Marriott brand and is considered one of their most contemporary designs. He said a restaurant was planned for the top floor.

In public comment, Alan Osborne spoke at length about documents related to the Sandestin Development of Regional Impact (DRI), which includes the Grand Boulevard property. He stated that the master traffic plan for Sandestin and Grand Boulevard has not been updated in years and contended that it is in substantial deviation from DRI requirements.

Osborne said he had recently obtained the entire copy of the 1984 settlement agreement for the Sandestin DRI which, he noted, states that the interpretation of standards for the DRI have been the subject of much disagreement, However, he told the board members that the DRI is “quite clear” in defining the stormwater retention standard of 6.7 inches, which exceeds that found in the LDC and requires that runoff be retained in the lakes of Sandestin.

Osborne asked the board members to make sure the matter is researched if it has not been proven that the traffic and stormwater retention requirements for the DRI have not been met. He said he had brought approximately 1,000 documents with him and that he was able to pull up orders and reports associated with the DRI using thumb drives that he had with him.

Osborne also asked the board members to vote no on the hotel project unless the project engineer was willing to sign a certification saying that the project meets the DRI standards.

Smith responded that this was an issue that had been debated by Osborne he believed for a long time. Smith said he understood that engineers for the county had addressed it and rendered an opinion.

“I know our stormwater design has been reviewed by county staff;” he continued, “we have been deemed to meet all the rules, regulations, and requirements that are in place—that includes the Sandestin DRI regulations, requirements, and rules,” along with, he commented, those for the Sandestin PUD and the LDC.

“So I do want to make a point, though;” Smith continued, “we do retain our water on site and in an exfiltration system that percolates into the ground…we then attenuate for 100-year storm event; we do release our pop-off into the FDOT drainage system.”

“All of that section of U.S. 98,” Smith added, “flows into a Sandestin lake.” He repeated that once the drainage on site is retained for the 100-year storm event, it ultimately “does flow into a Sandestin lake.”

Smith said the applicants had coordinated with the Sandestin Owners Association (SOA) on the latter and that the SOA had hired their own independent engineer to review the project drainage design.

Regarding traffic, Smith stated that there is entitlement for the traffic for the project as part of Grant Boulevard and Sandestin based on original calculations for the DRI along with a supplemental analysis accompanying the project application, with that analysis having been reviewed by staff for consistency with Walton County regulations and the Sandestin DRI and PUD. He requested that the board members move the project forward.

Planning Commissioner Fred Tricker told Smith that there was no question that what he was doing was consistent with Walton County policy. “The question,” he said, “is whether that policy has been correct, and that’s what Mr. Osborne is challenging, and he’s got documentation.” Tricker spoke in favor of the issue being considered seriously.

Smith replied in part that the LDC standard was being exceeded rather than just met with the project.

Planning Commissioner Barbara Brooke said she did not feel comfortable approving something given the fact that Osborne had stated that he had brought forth new information. After some board discussion, attorney Hall offered, if the planning commission decided to move the project forward, to meet with Osborne to discuss the information that he had provided in advance of the project being heard by the BCC. Smith also said he would be happy to meet with Osborne to look at whatever information he has.

Barbara Brooke moved to recommend approval of the project on the contingency of the meeting to which Hall had committed with Osborne to review the information.

Matt Richardson, assistant county attorney, cautioned that there is still some pending litigation related to Sandestin involving Osborne. He advised that Hall review that litigation before meeting with Osborne, as Hall may not be able to speak for the county related to the litigation.

Hall said he would be glad to hear and discuss the information with Osborne to the extent that he was able to do so, even if he would not necessarily be able to provide Osborne with a response.

Planning Commission Chairman Lee Perry voiced confidence that if Hall became aware of any issue that should be brought up with the BCC, he would do so.

Hall pledged to deal with the information “with all the integrity that I can muster.”

Brooke clarified that her motion to move the project forward would be contingent on it being determined by Hall that there was no new information that would require the proposal to be changed.

A vote on her motion resulted in approval.


Matt J

May 9, 2007
Dangerous precedent letting the local mad man claim he has documents and then allowing that to interfere with a board decision...
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