I booked a rental in Seagrove through a website and was called and told that no one in the area will rent to students under the age of 25. She advised me to call Pamama City Tourism office. I want a rental for my daughter (whom is very responsible, of course!) & 3 friends for the week beginning March 17. We love the quiet of 30A and I hate to put them in Panama City. I will be with them for the first 4 nights. Any advice welcome!
During spring break of her first year at Georgia Tech, my own daughter and her Georgia Tech friends trashed the pool area at OUR beach house and bothered renters in adjacent homes by partying until daybreak. They had beer cans covering the pool and Silly String all over the pool deck. Thankfully, Dwayne, the pool guy, arrived that morning, woke them up, told them that they'd better get up and clean up because he needed to service the pool. They did so (although it took about a year to get up all of the remnants of the Silly String that had baked on the pool deck).
I told her if it happened again, she could never bring her friends to the beach again. It never happened again. She grew up and is a different person. Sometimes parents just have to crack the whip.
But because my own daughter did this to her own house, I would never rent to a group of persons under 25 years old. You also have to be careful for parents "fronting" for their kids, checking in, paying the rent, and staying elsewhere. Fortunately, I have enough spies in the area that any group of unsupervised kids would be quickly discovered and evicted.