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Abby Prentiss

Beach Fanatic
May 17, 2007
Here is the agenda for the County Commission meeting on January 14, 2014 starting at 4 PM at the South Walton Courthouse Annex. Items that may be of particular interest south of the Bay are highlighted in blue. Further clarification on a few items is provided below the Agenda.

4:00 PM Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
Call to Order
Consider Additions/Deletions
Approval of Agenda with additional and/or deletions

Public Comments – please limit comments to five minutes or less

Items removed from Consent Agenda for further discussion

Approval of Consent Agenda

  • Clerk’s Items:
    • Approve Expenditure Approval List (EAL)
    • Approve Minutes of December 19, 2013 Regular Meeting
  • Administrative Items:
    • Approve a Letter of Support for the West Florida Regional Planning Council’s 2014 U.S. EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant Application
    • Approve for Public Works to purchase a Ditch Cleaning Bucket in the amount of $3,850.00 from Thompson Tractor Company
  • Agreements/Contracts:
    • Approve First Amendment to the Granicus Services Agreement with Walton County in the amount of $1,070.00 per month
    • Approve extension of current contract with Dr. J.L. Blackwood, DMV for 6 months and advertise for RFP for Veterinarian Services for animals at the Walton County Animal Shelter
  • Budget Amendment Resolutions/Transfers:
    • Approve to advertise for a Public Hearing on January 28, 2014 to bring forward Landfill and Proportionate Fair Share Funds (a 50/50 split) to pay for engineering fees associated with the Big Red Fish Project (SWCC Note: This item involves funding the the Big Redfish Lake bridge project.)
4:05 PM Larry D. Jones, County Administrator
1. Administration
2. Public Works
a. Request approval to replace the current speed limit signs from 15 MPH to 25 MPH throughout Ten Lakes Estates
3. Planning Department
a. Request permission to move language amending Resolution 2013-09 Civil Citation Free Schedule to the Planning Commission and hold the first Public Hearing to amend the Land Development Code
b. Request permission to move Sandwich Board Signs language to the Planning Commission and hold the first Public Hearing to amend the Land Development Code to include approved language (SWCC Note: Copy of proposal will be provided in separate email)

4:15 PM Jim Bagby, TDC Executive Director
1. Request Attorney General Opinion for Tourist Development Tax
2. Request approval to present draft plan of a recommended council selection process and allocation of council seats at the January 21, 2014 Regular Meeting
3. Updates

4:25 PM Mark Davis, County Attorney
1. Request to call a Special Meeting to hold an Executive Session on January 28, 2014 at 8:30 AM to discuss Litigation strategy to consider settlement of the Oil Spill by the Oil Rig “Deepwater Horizon” Local Government Entities (2:10-CV-09999-CJB-SS)

4:30 PM Public Hearings:
1. Consider an Ordinance amending Chapter 4 of the Walton County Code of Ordinances to add Article III, Providing for Regulation of Roadside Fundraising
2. Consider an Ordinance amending Ordinances 86-18 and 98-23 (Establishing the Initial Tourist Development Tax and the Third Cent Tourist Development Tax)

4:40 PM Vice-Chair Cindy Meadows, District Five
1. Tax Increment Financing District

4:50 PM Commissioner Sara Comander, District Four
4:55 PM Commissioner Bill Imfeld, District Three
5:00 PM Commissioner Kenneth Pridgen, District Two
5:05 PM Chairman W.N. “Bill” Chapman, District One

5:10 PM Citizen Requests:
1. South Lake Drive Neighborhood – Construction in wetlands (SWCC Note: Involves presentation by neighbors concerned with legality of recent wetland impacts, concurrent impact on neighborhood, etc.)

5:15 PM Additional Public Comments - please limit comments to five minutes or less

Agenda Recap - Staff Review of Directives

1. Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map LSA- Project number 13-00700002 is being reviewed by Tim Whaler. This is a large scale amendment application submitted by Walton County, requesting approval to amend the Walton County Comprehensive Plan
Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map. Request to adopt Ordinance
2. John Minger SSA 13-018 - Project number 13-00600015 is being reviewed by Tim Whaler.
This is an application submitted by Kermit George, for proposed small scale amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Walton County Comprehensive Plan, requesting approval of an amendment to 8.95 acres from Estate Residential to General Commercial. The project is located on West Indian Creek Road east boundary of parcel is 670 feet east of Hwy. 331 and is identified by parcel number(s) 23-2n-19-18000-021-0010. Request to adopt Ordinance

3. O’Donnell Medical Facility - Project number 13-00100059 is being reviewed by Brian Underwood. This is a major development order application submitted by Jenkins Engineering, Inc., requesting site plan and development design approval to construct 13,086 square feet of commercial building space, consisting of 1.08 acres with a future land use of Village Mixed Use. The project is located on the south side of Hwy. 98 just west of W. Hewitt Road, and is directly west of the Donut Hole and is identified by parcel number(s) 31-2s-20-33240-000-0337. Request to approve Development Order

4. Osprey Pointe E-2 Change - Project number 13-02100004 is being reviewed by Renee Bradley. This is an Amendment Request to the previously approved Sandestin Development of Regional Impact (DRI), submitted by Emerald Coast Associates, Inc. requesting to change the
correct acreage of Parcel 224 from 10.8 acres to the existing 15.80 acres, with a future land use of Coastal Center. The project is located off of Heron Walk Drive and is identified by parcel number(s) 26-2S-21-42100-000-0010. Request to adopt Ordinance


Additional Information from SWCC:
1. Request Attorney General Opinion for Tourist Development Tax (Under TDC Agenda Item) The TDC is requesting the Board's approval for a letter to the Florida Attorney-General on the legal question of whether, under state statute, TDC proceeds may be used to promote and market events held in Walton County but which are outside of the subcounty taxing district. The subcounty taxing district for the collection of the TDC "bed taxes" is south of the Bay. In other words, can TDC proceeds collected in the subcounty taxing district be used to fund events open to the public north of the Bay? Counsel for the TDC had indicated he feels such expenditure is permissible provided the County Commissioners make the appropriate finding that the event promotes tourism. This opinion is being sought in an "abundance of caution" to ensure the any expansion of bed tax use stays in compliance with state statute.

Also, under this agenda item is information that countywide events may appeal to the TDC Executive Director to receive "small funding amounts" for the reimbursement of event marketing placed outside of the local area of Walton, Bay and Okaloosa County. The total of all reimbursements for such expenditures is not to exceed $15,000 for the TDC Fiscal Year 2013-14.

2. Request approval to present draft plan of a recommended council selection process and allocation of council seats at the January 21, 2014 Regular Meeting (Under TDC) This items identifies some issues with the composition of the current TDC Advisory Council. The TDC is requesting County Commission direction on "how to resolve the excessive number of bed tax collectors on the council in order to bring us back into compliance with FS 125.0104 (state statute). The TDC is also seeking guidance on whether or not to address the deficiencies noted by the ISP management study with respect to the disposition and selection process of TDC members." (e.g., no written process for member selection) The TDC is requesting a recommendation authorizing it to present a draft plan to address these issues at the Jan. 28 County Commission meeting.
3. Request approval to present draft plan of a recommended council selection process and allocation of council seats at the January 21, 2014 Regular Meeting (Under TDC) This item amends the current ordinance to project that the anticipated net tourist development tax to be derived for the 24 moths following the levy of the tax is approximately 35 million dollars and that the proposed uses of the funds will be prioritized as follows:
1. Tourism Advertising/Promotions/Materials $7,000,000-8,200,000
2. Beach Nourishment $7,500,000-8,900,000
3. Beach Maintenance $4,200,000-4,800,000
4. Product Development $3,600,000-4,600,000
5. Shoulder Season Advertising/Promotions $3,600,000-4,600,000
6. Administration/Visitor Information Center $4,400,000-5,600,000
7. Emerging Market-Advertising/Promotion (sunsets 9/14) $1,200,000-1,800,000
4. Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map LSA (under Legislative) This proposed amendment changes several road classifications south of the bay. One significance of a change in roadway classification is that it may allow some types of development which may not be allowed in the current classification. For example, south of the Bay, the Business Park and Light Industrial uses are restricted to roads which are designated "Major Collectors". If you have any questions on the potential impact of these changes in your area you may want to contact the county Planning Staff for more information at (850) 267-1955, attend the meeting with your questions or contact your Commissioner for an explanation.
The proposals are as follows:
1. West Hewitt between Driscoll Drive and U.S. 98, East Hewitt Road between Talon Way and US Highway 98, Churchhill Bayou Road between Church Street and CR 393 will be changed from a designation of "Other Roadways" to "Minor Collector".
2. CR 393 between Chat Holly Road and US 98 is currently a "Minor Collector". The proposal is to change the designation to a "Major Collector".


j p nettles

Jul 1, 2012
It's too bad more people aren't interested in the school board meeting agenda. The taxpayers and parents in Walton county need to see how one elected official makes all the decisions on how their children are educated and how our tax dollars are spent. At least the BCC isn't controlled entirely by one person.
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