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Beach Crab
May 1, 2023
Whoever decides what flags to run up is a complete and utter wimp. To tell me I can’t get in the water when there is a cross current or because the waves are too big. You have people paying thousands of dollars to come here, and unless the “OCEAN” looks like a f’ing BATHTUB, you can’t get in. It has everything to do businesses not wanting bad press because someone might drown. Should we outlaw sharks from biting and jellyfish from stinging too? It’s an OCEAN! Businesses/counties have zero business telling me I can’t get in the water at the gulf of all places, when I’ve been in water far worse all over the country. Yalls lifeguards aren’t for saving people as much as they r for telling you not to get in the water. And no I’m not complaining about the guards cuz I’m sure they can actually do their jobs very well, I’m complaining about the “laws” they’re told to follow. Implement an age limit or some type of policy when it’s rougher. I can see not swimming in a hurricane but it’s getting to the point where if the water is moving you can’t get in. Please quit being so trigger happy on the defcon flags! Almost feel like y’all should owe people money back because yes some people only come to the beach to play in the water or yes, surf!

Jimmy T

Beach Fanatic
Apr 6, 2015
You can surf with double-reed, but you need a leash. The flags prevent people from drowning and our lifeguards from risking their lives trying to save people. Even with the flags, we have a few drowning deaths every year. It's very sad. Deaths from shark attacks are very rare, and jellyfish don't kill anyone.

Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
A lot of drownings are people trying to save others. Flags and rules save lives. Lifeguards save lives.

Flags and rules and lifeguards save lives and are needed for the inexperienced, uneducated, inebriated, and overly confident.

The OP sounds like a combo.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Our community cares about you and your safety. We've invested in a strong Beach Safety program that has been very effective in promoting safety, protecting beachgoers of all ages and saving lives. Sure there are some people who don't appreciate being at the beach and being told they can't enter the water during double red flags / dangerous surf conditions. I suggest reading and becoming more educated on the subject. Know before you go. Also be aware of the fines now in place for those who risk it. You are not just risking your life. You are placing our dedicated Lifeguards (and others) in real danger.

Other than double red flag conditions you are free to enter the water at any time but you may still be in danger of rip currents or strong surf conditions, especially during single red flag conditions. So be very aware of the Florida flag warning system and find out what to do if caught in a current. Also, try to swim near a lifeguarded beach especially if children are in your group.

*Entering the Gulf during double red flag conditions can result in a $500 fine and criminal charges."

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Matt J

May 9, 2007
Remember when every other post on here was people demanding lifeguards?


Beach Fanatic
Apr 1, 2008
You may want to vacation elsewhere.
He’ll be the first one to yell for help “save me”I’ve seen it happen… lifeguards will tell them the rules and they cuss out the lifeguard..I tell my kids don’t risk your lives to go out there and try to save a knucklehead like this


Beach Fanatic
Oct 16, 2008
He’ll be the first one to yell for help “save me”I’ve seen it happen… lifeguards will tell them the rules and they cuss out the lifeguard..I tell my kids don’t risk your lives to go out there and try to save a knucklehead like this
Does seem like the type of person who yells at referees during kids' soccer game.
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