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Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
If your child plays soccer at Hellen McCall park, please take a minute to call your county commissioner and ask that they make it a priority to put a fence along the northern side of the soccer fields. During practice and games, if a ball is kicked out of bounds, kids are having to walk or crawl into the woods and/or swamp to retrieve the ball. It is only a matter if time before one of our children is bitten by a snake. Your support is much appreciated by parents and kids. Even if your kid does not use the fields, we would appreciate your phone calls and lobbying efforts.


Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I think they would just kick the ball over the fence.

If snakes are such a big concern, maybe the coach or a parent could retrieve the ball?


Beach Comber
Oct 5, 2011
I'm with Zebraspots. Personally, if I was concerned that my kid was going to be bitten by a snake I would get the ball myself. It is sad to view nature as wrong and in need of 'fixing'. One fence could give way to a complete demo of the swamp and woods. All the critters lose their homes...but people get comfort and maybe some extra parking places.


SoWal Insider
Mar 31, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
I think they would just kick the ball over the fence.

If snakes are such a big concern, maybe the coach or a parent could retrieve the ball?

I tend to agree with this post. Surely, you know a fence isn't going to stop a well-kicked ball. Then it's a matter of who's going over the fence? That's dangerous too. It's also not going to stop critters. So, how high would the fence have to be? It's just woods and yes, there are critters there. What about the park? There have been snakes spotted there too. Fences aren't going to keep them out. How about leaving the woods and the nature alone and go get the ball yourself or ask the coaches to do it if it's that bothersome. :roll:


Beach Fanatic
May 17, 2007
Santa Rosa Beach
There is a long list of things that need to be fixed or upgraded (before a fence is needed) that I've been hearing about for 16 yrs that will be fixed/upgraded "soon" or "in the next 5 yrs".

Maybe the parents watching practice can stand by the woods and try to block the balls from going in?


Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
The fields are already fenced on other sides, so I do not see where one additional side being fenced would be problematic. Parents do retrieve the balls as well. Are you seriously suggesting it is a great idea for parents to get bitten by snakes? Seriously?

Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
I have lived here since 1994, my children played little league at Helen McCall when there was only 2 baseball fields, and a football field. Most of the maintenance was performed by volunteers of the leagues during that time and when the county stepped up they made vast improvements to the complex for for which I am grateful for. All these improvements occurred after my kids outgrew the league out there. Improvement cost money and I am not saying there isn't money there but I would venture to guess there are priorities and right now that may not be at the top of the list. Might I suggest you contact Brad Alford 850-892-8108 or email him at alfbrad@co.walton.fl.us , according to the county website his office hours are Monday- Thursday 06:00-16:30. Hope this helps.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
I'm with Zebraspots. Personally, if I was concerned that my kid was going to be bitten by a snake I would get the ball myself. It is sad to view nature as wrong and in need of 'fixing'. One fence could give way to a complete demo of the swamp and woods. All the critters lose their homes...but people get comfort and maybe some extra parking places.

SouthernBelle, Suggesting that it might be a good idea to put up a fence on the only side of the park that doesn't currently have one does not mean that I want to demo swaps and woods. Our wildlife deserve a safe place to live and our children deserve a safe place to play. It is not a mutually exclusive proposition.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 22, 2005
Pt Washington
Chain-link doesn't keep snakes out. My son went to retrieve a pop fly in baseball back in the day and encountered a pygmy rattler. After yelling "hey guys come look at this," they just got a new ball.

Of course, our kids watch for snakes as they are prevalent here and they know which are poisonous and which aren't. No way you can shelter them completely.
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