If you'd like to read more about Grayton Beach and see additional pictures about Grayton Beach and the Smith family, be sure to check out my history blogs on SoWal.com. The Smith House picture and pictures of Alline and Tuff Smith are from the personal collection of my step-father, Sonny Hollingsworth. His mother was Anna Smith Hollingsworth Reardon, Tuff's sister. In addition, the picture of Van Ness, Sonny and Thornber at Grayton Beach as young boys, as well as several of the fishing boat pictures, are also all from the Smith/Hollingsworth collection and originally posted on my blog. While you're in the history blog, you will also want to check out other "Anna's Stories" about boats, the Smith Dairy and Camp Walton. There was a real long-time connection between South and North Walton. The Smith family had moved down to Walton County around 1903 from South Dakota. Anna wrote about her father's 1899 trip to Grayton Beach to check out the area. I think the Butlers came down from South Dakota in 1907.