My family (me, husband, 3 yr old and 1 yr old) will be coming to Florida mid august for 7 nights. We stayed in Destin last year but are looking for something smaller, and more quaint. The beaches are just so crowded in Destin and we'd like a little more privacy. We need at least a 2 bedroom unit, 3 would be ideal, but we can deal with 2. We would like to spend around $2,000 a week on a condo, townhome, duplex, house....I have only seen a couple of homes in that price range and they are all booked up, I can see why. Most homes are a min of $3,000 a week. We would prefer a house, but I know that may be impossible. If we get a condo or something like that I would like a small compolex since it would mean a much less crwoded beach. Most places I have found are just okay. We'd like something nice, updated, modern, like granite or tiles kitchen etc if we get a condo. If we could get a private home cheap enough, I wouldn't be as picky. We defintely want a gulf front place, that is a must. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated!