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James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005

Tourism is the life blood of this community. Services, infrastructure, public facilities, and utilities need to be top notch for the quality of visitors and real estate buyers we are trying to attract. I know that you strive to achieve excellence. It is time to provide it. If that means more bed tax revenue needs to go to providing an excellent experience and a superlative community, then so be it.

Our central natural beauty is so amazing that we tend to overlook the rough around the edges - we can be better!

Scenic 30A
It is crumbling - it needs to repaved (as do many other roads). Increased traffic means our schedule needs to be more aggressive. By the end of this Summer it will be much worse. The shoulders are in rough shape. We have a lot of dangerous ruts on the edge of the pavement. Might want to add a few feet of pavement where possible.

Stop adding new ones and remove some that are there. We should have fewer signs than your average town. It seems we have more. Sign CREEP! Resist the urge to add arrow signs, no littering signs, roadway narrows signs, etc.
Where signs are absolutely necessary make them smaller and lower. 20-foot tall DOT yellow signs aren't necessary.

These need to be repainted more often. Although more paint isn't going to help us stay scenic it is a safety issue. No need to add crosswalk signs but if you do make them waist high and small.
What are the brick crosswalks in WaterColor? I appreciate that they are subtle but if they are actual crosswalks and we are expected to stop for pedestrians then thay need to be painted also.

Bike Path
Kudos for the new maintenance contract. Drainage needs to be improved.

SoWal-wide WiFi would be a huge boon to the area - being connected allows consumers to find more ways to spend. Being able to advertise free and fast community WiFi would be a nice bonus to attract today's travelers.

Standardize garbage cans -the large lidded cans from WM look neater, prevent spillage, and keep animals out. Recycling is a great image builder.

Put pressure on Regional Utilities, Mediacom, Chelco, etc. to care more - to not leave our roadsides looking bad. So many times I have seen garbage and equipment left behind. Eliminate some of the garish markers they use, as well as covering or hiding necessary equipment. What's wrong with requiring landscaping or a buffer between a power substation and the SCENIC roadway? Make them leave work sites looking nice. Apparently because they are quasi-governmental and have near monopolies they do whatever they want and end up making our community look like a work in progress, long after work is finished.
Power lines should be Buried! We are the customers and utility companies exist for us, not the other way around.

Thank you for your attention. To my fellow South Waltonians - please feel free to add your suggestions - it is OUR community - let's keep SoWal charming and make it a place we are proud of and others want to come and enjoy!!!


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004

What are the brick crosswalks in WaterColor? I appreciate that they are subtle but if they are actual crosswalks and we are expected to stop for pedestrians then thay need to be painted also.

Someone heard you and painted the crosswalks in WaterColor.
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