paypal has a $2000 per person maximium per person credit card limit. theres no way i've seen around it. i know many people on here use paypal and i'm wondering how they handle it.
I know exactly what you are talking about. It did not take long for this issue to crop up a couple of years ago when I began collecting rents myself.
For people who purchase items (think ebay) or use PayPal to pay for anything, there is a
lifetime limit of $2,000. This limit is lifted, however, once the PayPal user becomes "verified," which if I recall correctly involves giving PayPal a valid bank account number so it can more easily access funds when you purchase something.
Some people don't find the verification process to be a big deal. (If you
accept funds through PayPal, for example, you have to become verified.) But others absolutely don't like the idea of PayPal having a record of their their account information just so they can rent a house for a week. And I don't blame them.
After an early encounter with someone who took offense at this idea, I realized that I needed to be very proactive with this information. So if it looks like a potential renter wants to book with me during a peak week (over $2K), I tell them about the PayPal verification requirements and tell them I also accept personal checks.
That way you will leave them feeling like you are working with them in the process and being helpful.
One suggestion I always make to people if they don't want to be verified with PayPal is that they put the deposit down with a credit card and pay the balance with a personal check. A lot of people have done this when they rent from me.
If two families are renting our home, I have offered to send a PayPal invoice to one family for the deposit and the final invoice to the second family, so they don't reach the limit. A few have done this.
Some people simply don't mind becoming verified with PayPal.
I have found that PayPal is simply the easiest way to accept credit cards, despite the occasional hassles. So you just have to work with the system. As an owner collecting funds directly, you have to do what you can to work with people so they don't throw their hands up and just go through an agency (which will, in all likelihood, charge a processing fee to offset those pesky credit cards fees).
Hope this helps.