hello. We had an unkind encounter with an ice cream truck today. Generally we love the trucks because our grandchildren live in our Blue Mtn neighborhood and delight in the trucks. This afternoon we were driving down our road and the truck was stopped in the middle of the road serving a family. We waited. When he was done serving we kept waiting. After a period of time we determined he was standing there counting his cash box. We pulled closer to get his attention, he looked up and then kept counting his bills. Far too much time had passed to be blocking a road with a waiting car so my husband tapped the horn. The driver reluctantly stopped what he was doing, sat down, started the truck, pulled up alongside us and yelled, "relax!", in the ugliest voice. This follows another incident in a seagrove neighborhood last year where a driver was hostile and ugly to family members visiting. Who are these people? Where do we complain about the manner in which he was unnecessarily blocking a road?
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