I posted this paragraph on another thread, but decided our dunes needed their own thread. I've been here almost a week now and here's my very sincere perspective on the dunes. The dunes in these areas are indeed damaged, some areas more than others. When we look back from the shoreline (which has white sand again and emerald water) toward the dunes, rather than complain about how they look, we should all take a moment with our families and friends to give the dunes a standing ovation. :clap_1: For most people (except for some people with gulf front property), the dunes did their job and protected our beautiful 30A from serious damage. By applauding our dunes no matter what they look like, we'll be teaching our children (and ourselves) to appreciate nature in all her glory, in her natural state. Wouldn't applauding the dunes -- no matter what they look like -- after a storm or hurricane be a welcome tradition in SoWal?
So, here's to the dunes... "Thanks... :clap_1:
So, here's to the dunes... "Thanks... :clap_1: