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John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
Based on the over 3000 views of the Beach Vendor vs. Wedding Party conversation, this must be the place to post what would normally, be under the local govn't chapter...

With that said, here is my opine on recent Media stories involving SoWal.

Please remember these are opines only. Feel free to respond and provide your own...

1) Huge Incident on Grayton Beach involving 7 tourists attacking one local. NO media coverage on the incident... ???

2) July 20th 2014 editorials in NWFL Daily News (mullet wrapper)... Dist. 4 Rep Matt Gatez pens a great letter about Okaloosa County. Please focus attention on Walton County as we have the same issues here... Not resolved YET.

3) Insert of the NWFL Daily "Wrapper" in the Parade Section, has a great cartoon where two sharks have a "feeling" about something. Very timely. (Glad Vicitm is OK...).

4) NWFL Mullet - Blondie Weekly cartoon spells out the daily routine of Walton County Employees (some, ok most)....

5) NWFL Mullet - "Seaside Solution" by Mary Fisher, well done!!!! Excellent opine on the issues that will continue to plague us unless addressed by BCC, NOW, not after an election... This area clearly has a lot of support for one of the four candidates, which is odd as they are from District 2... But step up and opine...why signs in your yard, you are district 5?

Perhaps the Best is yet to come. The once silent and often irrevelant DFS Hearld / Breeze has been on fire with very good reports. Beach Owners should invest in this paper as they are the only ones with the stones to address property rights. No one else wants to touch this. MC Hammer; "Can't Touch This"...

Their Reporter, Dotty, has the abilty to accurately report facts, regardless of the implication.
WMBB, WJHG, NWFL DAILY FAIL to report anything, while she does... WHY?

Case in point:

Last week, Hearld / Breeze front page was about property owner rights and a pending civil case in Walton County. GPS cordinates, surveys, etc...

This week, the Grayton Beach, Beach Vendor issue is addressed.

Why has NO one else addressed this? (too hot of a topic for you?)

Thankfully, it appears two more good people were elected to serve "Freeport" in its government. "Free"port, due to not paying back loans...$$$$

A woman was rescued from the DFS WalMart by WCSO. Yet, that business in is the jurisdication of the DFSPD. Were they ever involved? Odd, isn't it? No mention of them. Where'd did the 911 call get routed too? Why have a local PD if they don't respond to local incidents?

WCSO holds a summer camp? Thanks for reporting but I'd like to know earlier as my kid would have gone. What a great idea. Thanks to those that did this. You guys / girls are awesome.

Noise Ordinalce approved... We'll see how that goes. No mention of this in other media.

Perhaps one of the most important articles, that of the South Walton Coach. What a great inspiration to the youth of our community. More of this reporting is necessary, with a balance of the good, the bad and ugly... (This is IN the NWFL Daily Wrapper). Thank you for calling attention to this man.

He should probably run for School Board or Superintendant as his focus is on KIDS.

The paper was usually only good for wrapping fish, but Daily Breeze has stepped up, thank you. Keep it up.

Sun = Failure, now free again. Report on facts; beach incidents, politics, etc. You may get readers. Don't cater to the Powers That Be.

I may just subscribe to the Hearld/Breeze based on their stories.

Mike Jones

Beach Fanatic
Dec 24, 2008
A little too much rambling...


John G - please pick a topic and let us know what you think about it. You're all over the place.

I agree that you should subscribe to DeFuniak Herald / Beach Breeze. Dotty is a great asset to our community.

If your point is that the other media is not up to par then I agree.
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