When leasing a single family home, is it common along 30-A to ask for rent up front? For example, first and last months rent, or two months up front? Just wondering. Thanks!
We have generally been asked for first month's and a deposit. The one time we were asked to put up last month's as well, we worked out a payment schedule for it. That worked out really well all of the way around since when we moved we had that last month already paid for and could put money toward the house we moved to. But I don't know what happens if the house gets foreclosed on during your lease. I guess the landlord gets away with the cash from the last month and the deposit.
That said it's pretty common in parts of the country to ask for first, last, and deposit and people have brought that mentality here. I'm not saying it's wrong, but anytime a landlord is really chomping at the bit for a lumpsum your guard should naturally go up.