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Beach Lover
May 7, 2007
Well this is the second time they did this to us by repeating the weeks previous show even though we submitted the current show on time

So now they have some make up shows for us

The following schedule is for 30A Television
Comcast CH 46 schedule
Thurs. 6pm
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 7pm
Monday & Tuesday 6:30pm
Medicom schedule:
Everyday at 7pm
Channel 5

Secret words to date:
Watch for this weeks secret word

see below for details on how to win Apple Ipod Touch



Beach Lover
May 7, 2007
Which part is not clear?

Mediacom are supposed to air our current show each week
Yesterday they showed last week
So are airing extra shows to make up for it..... so I posted the schedule.....

As for the secret words, thats all clear when you click "below" at

which says:

Win an Ipod Touch ($499 Retail Value) courtesy of 30a Television.

Simply watch 30a Television show on Comcast and Mediacom Wednesday nights at 7pm each week for the next 6 weeks, and collect the "secret word" mentioned during the show.
After the 6th week, send your answers via email to admin @ 30atelevision.com -- first to send in the answers wins the Ipod Touch !

Holds 7,000 songs and 40 hours of video

View the show on Channel 5 on Mediacom and Channel 46 on Comcast - Wednesday nights at 7pm.

No purchase necessary

Does that help ?
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