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Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011

If you haven't heard about this budgeting problem, please read the article. Nutshell, the Walton County school system had a big budget shortfall at yearend. Mrs. Anderson blamed it on substitute teachers and charter school enrollment. While this may be true, it should not have been a surprise only to be noted at the end of the year. The system should easily be able to compare actual expenses to budgeted expenses ( as well as income) on a monthly basis. The actual situation seems more like someone reconciling their checkbook once a year. Yes, the CFO resigned, but without an accounting degree, why was she hired in the first place? Who hired her? Who wrote the job qualifications? Who approved them? Elected officials should set policy and oversight. Appointed people should administer, so that they can be fired if they do a bad job. That's not how it currently works. Vote for an appointed school superintendent on Aug. 26th.
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