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Serving the Community!
Apr 14, 2006
South Walon, FL
Plans are set for the 2019 Florida Chautauqua Assembly, January 24-27, 2019 in historic DeFuniak Springs. The assembly is an annual 4-day educational program for families featuring notable keynote speakers, educational breakout sessions, performance teas, evening dinner performances and exhibits relating to an annual theme. The 2019 theme is “A Journey Into Main Street America” featuring a keynote presentation by Patrice Frey, executive director of Main Street America in Chicago, Illinois.

Full schedule and registration information at www.FloridaChautauquaAssembly.org

Ms. Frey’s presentation will be held at the First United Methodist Church on Friday, January 25 at 9am. Florida Main Street Coordinator Katherine Beck from the Florida Division of Historical Resources will be Saturday’s general session speaker. Ms. Frey will be honored for her life’s work throughout the country with a tree planting ceremony following her presentation in the DeFuniak Springs Lake Yard with Florida Chautauqua Association board members, City of DeFuniak Springs officials and representatives of the Florida Forest Service who orchestrate Arbor Day promotional activities throughout the state.

“This year’s Chautauqua Assembly is a commemoration of hometown roots,” says Florida Chautauqua Association’s 2019 Program Chair Denise Mack. “It celebrates what makes small town living a preference for so many Americans – the closeness of community, the ‘can do’ attitude of a committed group of people, the need to preserve our history and to pass it on to the next generation. There is no better way to economically revitalize rural hometowns than with a solid Main Street ‘Plan of Action.’ DeFuniak Springs is in the second year of its Main Street program and Florida Chautauqua is proud to do what it does best – offer enlightening speakers, present quality local entertainment, artists and food to demonstrate the benefit of preserving this special and unique hometown.”

The 2019 assembly is held in various buildings and facilities throughout DeFuniak Springs. Free outdoor exhibits will be held in the Lake Yard on Circle Drive which include a Civil War camp with battle reenactments, Florida Frontiersmen Settlement Camp, and Indoor Nature Trail by the Florida Forest Service and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, and an exhibit of vintage campers by the Tin Can Tourists. A free art exhibit and numerous art demonstrations will be held at Northwest Florida State College’s Chautauqua Campus, 908 US Highway 90 West, on Friday, January 25 and Saturday, January 26, 8am-5pm.

The keynote presentation, most breakout sessions, the evening dinner performances and performance teas are all ticketed events. Money-saving Passports and Day Passes are available for those wishing to attend all events throughout the 4-day assembly or for Friday’s events or Saturday’s events only. Full schedule and registration information at www.FloridaChautauquaAssembly.org or call (850) 892-7613 to find out how to register or purchase individual tickets. All exhibits are free and open to the public and are also listed on the web site.


Patrice Frey is President and CEO of the National Main Street Center, where she oversees the Center’s work, offering technical assistance, research, advocacy, and education and training opportunities for Main Street’s network of approximately 1,100 communities. Based in Chicago, Illinois, the National Main Street Center is a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and has participated in the renewal of more than 2,000 older commercial districts during its 30-year history.

Before joining the National Main Street Center in May 2013, Patrice serviced as the Director of Sustainability at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, where she oversaw the National Trust’s efforts to promote the reuse and greening of older and historic buildings, including research and policy development work through the Seattle-based Preservation Green Lab. Before joining the National Trust, Patrice worked for several years in the field of community development and urban research.

She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's program in historic preservation, where she received a master's degree in preservation planning and a certificate in real estate design and development through the Penn School of Design and Wharton Business School. Patrice completed her master's thesis on the application of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards to historic buildings. Patrice also worked for the City of Goleta, California, where she coordinated the acquisition and preservation of coastal open space, as well as a number of community development related programs.

Prior to her time in Goleta, Patrice worked for the Brookings Institution’s Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy in Washington, D.C., where she served as the executive assistant to the center director. She received her bachelor's degree in politics and international relations from Scripps College in Claremont, California.


The Florida Chautauqua Assembly is an annual, 4-day educational program for families featuring notable keynote speakers, breakout sessions, performance teas, evening dinner performances and exhibits relating to an annual theme.

Experience mind expanding speakers, art, music, entertainment, Performance Teas, A Southern Social Tea, Lake Yard Exhibits (free), “A Taste of the South,” and see how a small town community seeks to preserve its past while promoting its future. New for this year are four Walk and Talk sessions featuring historic landmarks of DeFuniak Springs. Vespers at St. Agatha’s Episcopal Church each evening at 5 p.m. Programs reflect this year’s theme, “Main Street America” and reflect the four pillars of Chautauqua - Art, Recreation, Education, and Religion.

Individual tickets are $10-$25 (see “Schedule” online)
One Day Passports (tickets) are $75 ($120+ value)
Two Day Passports are $150 ($240+ value)


download the registration packet

The annual assembly is held in DeFuniak Springs, Florida directly off I-10 halfway between Pensacola and Tallahassee. The campus for this program is mostly held on the original grounds of Florida's Historic Chautauqua (Circle Drive), but other facilities and schools are utilized for sessions and special events throughout the community.

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