A foreclosure can take anywhere from a few months to years, depending on the bank. The house could become shadow inventory, a situation where the owner is not making mortgage payments, and the bank lets the property sit for a while before seeking final judgment to avoid paying maintenance, HOA, and property taxes. On the flip side, if the bank decides to expedite the process, 3-4 months and it'll be at auction. (What bank is foreclosing?) The bank would then place it with a real estate agent, who would contact you. Any point after the auction (once the bank owns the property) you could be served with an eviction notice.
Odds are whomever ultimately purchases the house will want to live in it, and you will have to move, so I would start planning for that. Playing the role of victim will likely result in immense personal hardship, I would suggest taking control of your situation by finding a new place to live and moving as soon as you are able.
As far as paying rent goes, talk to a lawyer. You might be able to live in the house rent free until you get evicted. The owner would have the right to evict you for non payment, but the courts provide you with protections which allow you to mitigate.. that might be an interesting way to get the owner to communicate with you. A lawyer would be a good first step, they're not going to charge much (if anything) for basic advice on your situation.
Paying rent to the clerk, I've never heard of such a thing. The county clerk is the clerk of courts, what business they would have collecting rent on a property I have no idea (I don't think they would have the right without owners consent), but at least you could call them or email them for answers and they will respond.
For rentals, try posting your needs in the SoWal long-term rental forum. There are property management companies down here galor, I'm sure there's plenty of available property too.
Good luck!