Florida/30A Full time residents & visitors/guests alike are having their rights to use Florida 30A Sand & Beaches Free Access Restricted.
Your ability to sit, walk and play in the sand of the Gulf of Mexico along Florida/30A is being taken away from you. Don't let this precious resource be stolen from you and for generations to come.
Save OUR Sand. Free OUR Beaches
WCSOB Walton County Supports Open Beaches
The Time to Act is NOW.
We Need Your Support in Having Free Beaches and Restoring Full and Complete Access & Customary Use for All OUR Florida/30A Sand & Beaches.
It is critical for all of us to write Governor Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey monthly.
Stop the Restriction of OUR Use of Florida's Sand and Beaches.
Your Voice Matters...Let It be Heard.
Please note funds raised here by Change.org are used exclusively by Change.org to promote the Petition.
Remember family trips to beaches picking up shells,
the memories come flooding back to simpler times.
Remember those special moments although in the past,
Our memories remain hard and fast.
We travel to our beaches from near and far reliving those moments so special and blessed.
For now those moments now lost, we fight for our freedom whether resident or guest.
So that others, our families will also be blessed, let's stop the privatization of our beaches,
The land grabs they be so the sand might be enjoyed as it has customarily.
So all may enjoy the majesty God made our beaches to be,
To the memories of the families who have yet visited our shores. To the residents who love this piece of paradise we adore.
Fighting for our beaches so our freedoms not stolen, no more land grabs to be.
I can only imagine if the sands of Florida we might no longer see,
Nor sit, nor tarry or umbrellas but now warnings, no trespassing signs and security guards there be.
Join us in freeing Florida beaches now and forever more.
So our children future generations can create memories to store.
Keep Florida's Sand and Beaches Free!
Your ability to sit, walk and play in the sand of the Gulf of Mexico along Florida/30A is being taken away from you. Don't let this precious resource be stolen from you and for generations to come.
Save OUR Sand. Free OUR Beaches
WCSOB Walton County Supports Open Beaches
The Time to Act is NOW.
We Need Your Support in Having Free Beaches and Restoring Full and Complete Access & Customary Use for All OUR Florida/30A Sand & Beaches.
It is critical for all of us to write Governor Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey monthly.
Stop the Restriction of OUR Use of Florida's Sand and Beaches.
Your Voice Matters...Let It be Heard.
Please note funds raised here by Change.org are used exclusively by Change.org to promote the Petition.
Remember family trips to beaches picking up shells,
the memories come flooding back to simpler times.
Remember those special moments although in the past,
Our memories remain hard and fast.
We travel to our beaches from near and far reliving those moments so special and blessed.
For now those moments now lost, we fight for our freedom whether resident or guest.
So that others, our families will also be blessed, let's stop the privatization of our beaches,
The land grabs they be so the sand might be enjoyed as it has customarily.
So all may enjoy the majesty God made our beaches to be,
To the memories of the families who have yet visited our shores. To the residents who love this piece of paradise we adore.
Fighting for our beaches so our freedoms not stolen, no more land grabs to be.
I can only imagine if the sands of Florida we might no longer see,
Nor sit, nor tarry or umbrellas but now warnings, no trespassing signs and security guards there be.
Join us in freeing Florida beaches now and forever more.
So our children future generations can create memories to store.
Keep Florida's Sand and Beaches Free!