28% of fla has citizens. I've had for 5 yrs and have been very happy with 10-12 % rate increases. But thats over now. starting in 2014 citizens will place all renewing policies in and insurance pool and if a private insurer matches the price you are forced off citizens. Hers the PROBLEM. citizens just paid a company $52 million to take a block of business.So once the new insurer takes it the next yr they can raise rates 30-50%. also going forward citizens will no longer insure houses in high risk coastlines which could be all of fla and the most they'll insure is 700k.this could have huge negative results on the real estate mkt. who will buy a 600k house when the insurance could be 10k a yr now. and people who rent will have to sky there rents to make up for this. its a mess