South Walton Fire District
According to the United States Lifesaving Association, your chances of drowning when swimming near a certified lifeguard are 1 in 18 million, or 0.0000055%.
When you are swimming at an unguarded beach and an emergency occurs, critical time is needed to process a 911 call and get responders enroute. It will take longer for emergency services to get to you than when you are swimming at a guarded beach.
SWFD is a USLA-Certified Advanced Agency and we staff 15 lifeguard towers each day during the hours of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. These towers are spread out across South Walton's 26 miles of coastline.
We believe beach time is best enjoyed when everyone is safe. Please help us help you! Tower locations are in the graphic below- share this information, it could save a life.

According to the United States Lifesaving Association, your chances of drowning when swimming near a certified lifeguard are 1 in 18 million, or 0.0000055%.
When you are swimming at an unguarded beach and an emergency occurs, critical time is needed to process a 911 call and get responders enroute. It will take longer for emergency services to get to you than when you are swimming at a guarded beach.
SWFD is a USLA-Certified Advanced Agency and we staff 15 lifeguard towers each day during the hours of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. These towers are spread out across South Walton's 26 miles of coastline.
We believe beach time is best enjoyed when everyone is safe. Please help us help you! Tower locations are in the graphic below- share this information, it could save a life.