Public safety announcement by South Walton Fire District >>>
As we head outdoors for work or play it is important to remember we're not the only ones that will be out.
There are 44 species of snakes found in Florida that also enjoy the warm weather.
Of that list, 6 are listed as venomous and dangerous to humans:
*Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin
*Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake
*Coral Snake
*Timber Rattlesnake
*Eastern Diamondback
Remember that all of Florida’s snakes play a vital role in maintaining Florida’s Ecosystem along with helping reduce the insect and rodent population and you should always use caution around them.
To learn more about snakes please visit:
Living with Snakes
As we head outdoors for work or play it is important to remember we're not the only ones that will be out.
There are 44 species of snakes found in Florida that also enjoy the warm weather.
Of that list, 6 are listed as venomous and dangerous to humans:
*Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin
*Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake
*Coral Snake
*Timber Rattlesnake
*Eastern Diamondback
Remember that all of Florida’s snakes play a vital role in maintaining Florida’s Ecosystem along with helping reduce the insect and rodent population and you should always use caution around them.
To learn more about snakes please visit:
Living with Snakes