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Beach Comber
May 30, 2013
DeFuniak Springs,FL

Inan attempt to continue the ½ % bed sale tax levied by the Board of CountyCommissioners to support Southwest Airlines and the airport at Panama CityBeach, TDC Director Jim Bagby has a resolution on the BCC agenda for tomorrowto put the question to a voter referendum. When this 5 year bed tax wasimplemented the Board of County Commissioners made a blood oath promise thistax would sunset in 5 years. The sunset is coming up in a few months.

Soto shift responsibility Bagby is attempting an end run around the BCC promisewith the hope the referendum will be approved and the voters will approve soneither the TDC nor the BCC can be blamed for an added tax that will neverend. For the past several months this tax has not been paid to Southwestsince they reneged on the original agreement, and the money has gone directlyto the TDC. The TDC has now become accustomed to this little bit extra andwants to keep it. This is nothing more than pure greed, in my humbleopinion of course! There is always more that can be done with moreand more money. But in this case enough is enough!

Currentlythe TDC takes in about $18 to $20 million a year with the bed tax rate of4.5%. The ½% represents about $2 million. When the sunset occurs the ratewill be 4% which is paid primarily by tourist through bed tax collectors insouth Walton. If the ½ % should continue not one scintilla would bespent north of the bay. So a question is would this be a county-wide referendum?

Proponentsespouse that neighboring counties charge a higher rate than Walton andsome counties in the southern part of Florida are higher. Also, touristwould pay the tax and not the residents of Walton County. None of this isjustification for a what would be essentially a new continuing tax as long asMethuselah lived. I think the Bible says he lived 969 years!!!! You getmy drift?

Iam sick and tired of government taxing just because it can, and I am sick andtired of government conjuring up schemes to levy more taxes, no matter whopays these taxes, and it’s time to say enough is enough. The TDC isstepping into unstable waters and the BCC is being asked to back them up. TheBCC should hold to their promise that this additional bed tax will sunset,period, and the referendum request by Jim Bagby should be denied.

Incidentally,this reminds me of the 331 bridge referendum. Will the BCC side-step theirresponsibility once again….I hope not!

J.B. Hillard
DeFuniakSprings, FL

PS. The proposed referendum drafted by the TDC is not attached to the BCC agenda sothe public has no idea what the details may be. All I know is they want to keepthe ½%.



Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I believe the BCC voted to let the current 1/2 cent tax sunset as promised and did not place the item on the August 26th ballot.

Can anyone confirm?

SoWal Staff

Serving the Community!
Staff member
Apr 14, 2006
South Walon, FL
As reported on WZEP AM 1460:

Walton TDC Asks to Replace Half Cent Tax with Half Cent Tax

The Walton Commissioners said, let the half cent marketing tax sunset and if needed they will look at another tax in the future. At Tuesday’s Walton Commissioner meeting the commissioners were asked by TDC Director Jim Bagby to put a non-binding referendum on the August ballot to replace the sunsetting half cent bed tax that was used for marketing the airline. Bagby explained that there are increased demands on the TDC and a recommendation is to let the current tax end, but put another half cent on the ballot.

Commissioner Sara Comander asked for a list of projects the money would cover. She also asked if there would be a sunset or will it continue. She asked what project limits there would be. While there is a time frame for the August ballot, Comander said this can also be put on the November ballot.

Commissioner Cindy Meadows said she thinks it could go to a vote by the residents. Meadows referenced the Attorney General’s opinion and the additional items the bed tax dollars can be used for. She said the question would ask, since the current half cent is sunsetting, do the residents want to make another to handle some of the additional expenditures the TDC is being asked to do.

When asked about the August or November ballot, Bagby said the August ballot would keep from changing the tax rate and creating an accounting issue. Bagby said over 60% of the businesses support the change, but a survey of the Walton Taxpayer’s Association shows over 70% oppose the tax. Bagby said the half cent generates around $2 million a year. He said they have numerous unfunded improvements such as entry ways coming into the area, signs, dune walks and paths. He also said the money could be used to purchase beach accesses.

Commissioner Bill Chapman said he has a concern about a nonbinding referendum vote. He said one was used years ago and the people voted against it, but it was approved anyway. He suggested making this a binding referendum. Bagby said the binding or non-binding are the commissioner’s choice. He said the question would only be on the ballot for the people in the special taxing district, that is south of the bay. He said most in the area are in favor of it. Bagby also said the features like the bike path have to be maintained.

Resident Bonnie McQueston said this is a perfect example why the people do not trust the government. She said she remembers the Southwest Airlines tax and that it was controversial. She said the sunset clause was the most important part. She said the meeting was standing room only and a lot of people were against it. She said we are now hearing a deceptive scheme. McQuiston said she does not understand why there is a vote, why did the public not vote before. She said this is making the public run the TDC instead of the director coming and asking the commissioners. She said the commissioners made a commitment the tax would sunset.

Don Riley, with the Walton County Taxpayers Association, said they conducted a survey and it was a clear cut no. He said the position of the Association is emphatically no. He also said, if there is to be a referendum, then it should be binding. Riley said, while they differ with Bagby, the Association feels he was the right choice for the job and noted Bagby is bringing the message from his TDC Board. He advised against a non-binding referendum.

Meadows said this is a new TDC Board and they are asking the public to participate more in the decisions. She also noted the bed tax is one of the lowest in the state. Commissioner Pridgeon said he is surprised he has not received calls in favor or opposition to the tax.

Resident Mary Nelson said discussing a referendum is making a decision on the user’s behalf if they want to pay the tax. She asked for a breakdown on money coming in. She agreed with commissioner Meadows about saving for a rainy day. She also asked if the current money can be rearranged.

Bed Tax collector Suzanne Harris said the commissioners do not understand, if a hurricane hits, the bed tax goes down. She said most of the bed tax collectors are opposed to this. She also said many did not know of the item. Harris told commissioners, “If you want to call for a vote, then call for a vote.” She also pointed out the half cent bridge tax and warned the residents about that sunsetting and then being renewed. She said tax and spend has not help the country. Harris said they need to spend money on getting people here all year long, not just the summer.

Bagby said the TDC is hearing from the bed tax collectors. He said they are frustrated the bed tax money is being used for improvements, not marketing to get more people here. Commissioner Imfeld said having a referendum would aid in buying property when a bond is needed. Bagby agreed. Bagby said he agrees with maintaining the beaches, and said that requires resources.

Comander said this tax sunsets, but if they make another then they are extending it. She said they need to take time to look at the tax and get more information. Comander said the current tax should sunset. She said they gave their word the tax would sunset. Comander said, even if they have to take a year, they need to look at it. She also said they have enough money to get some of the projects started. She said they need to hold off.

Commissioners agreed to let the current tax sunset and then look at a new tax later, if needed.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 3, 2009
"Bagby said the TDC is hearing from the bed tax collectors. He said they are frustrated the bed tax money is being used for improvements, not marketing to get more people here. Commissioner Imfeld said having a referendum would aid in buying property when a bond is needed. Bagby agreed. Bagby said he agrees with maintaining the beaches, and said that requires resources."

The above part is where the problem is. Bed tax collectors need to be reminded that the quality of experience is what brings people here year after year. Not advertising. Just like developers need to be reminded that cutting down all the trees and making homes on the cheap make homes harder to sell and lower profits. Our standards need to be high in SoWal.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Perhaps Mr. Bagby would like to disclose which bed tax collectors are asking for more advertising?

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
We should remember Mr. Bagby's hands are tied. He may not approve of wanting the referendum but if his board tells him to ask for it, he has no choice even if his personal opinion differs from that of his board. He is a good manager and knows what he is doing. I agree with the WCTA position on this one. The tax was voted for a specific purpose. That purpose no longer exists, therefore the money should remain with the taxpayers whomever they may be.


Beach Fanatic
May 15, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
I am surprised that bed tax collectors are against improvements that benefit their clientele (like keeping the bike path clean and in good repair), but think we need more marketing (like throwing parties at the Derby and attending conventions).

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I am surprised that bed tax collectors are against improvements that benefit their clientele (like keeping the bike path clean and in good repair), but think we need more marketing (like throwing parties at the Derby and attending conventions).

I'm not, if you are responsible for the infrastructure within your community and you want to keep the resort feel, it stands to reason that you don't care if the rest of the area goes to pot. I won't name names, but there are a few of these areas around here that just see more tourists as a reason to raise rates.
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