Maybe it's holiday spirit, maybe it's just kindness, but we have been on the receiving end of some this week. I was telling Sueshore and Mermaid the other day that we mailed a check for our RB rental last weekend; it was due to the owners by Wednesday. Wednesday came, the owner emailed, saying no check. Same thing Thursday. Then Friday. Time is critical because these owners mail the keys to the house upon receipt of the check, and we arrive in SoWal on Wednesday. At last, the owner emailed me today saying they've gone ahead and mailed the keys; they believe that we've sent the check and are just the victims of holiday mail overload. Either the check is long-delayed or truly lost, but they're willing to sort it out later.
I'm truly thankful for kind, trusting people in this world!
(And yes, LL and SJ, we really did mail it.
I'm truly thankful for kind, trusting people in this world!
(And yes, LL and SJ, we really did mail it.