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Beach Crab
Owner, Thi Bod Fitness
Cell: 904.302.3293
Email: ThiBodFitness@Gmail.com
Thi Bod Fitness Hosts 2013 Weight Loss Challenge
New Family-Friendly Fitness Facility Challenges the Emerald Coast in 2013. The more people that enter, the more money participants could win!

GoAllin Cover THIBOD copy.jpg Santa Rosa Beach, FLA. — Jan. 8, 2013 Thi Bod Fitness hosts its fourth successful weight loss challenge to help the local community jumpstart and achieve their 2013 New Year’s Resolutions.

This 12-week weight loss challenge will be available for sign ups from now until Jan. 12, 2013, with weigh-ins every weekend to help participants stay accountable to themselves and to each other.

The prize money will grow as each additional participant signs up. The more people that sign up, the more money that will go into the kitty for the winners. Winners will be determined by the highest percentage of weight loss.

Crissy Thibodeau, a licensed Zumba instructor, fitness trainer and competitor, recently moved from Gold’s Gym to open her own studio in the Santa Rosa Beach location to combine efforts with her husband, Joe Thibodeau, in his boot camp classes, all while raising two twin 3-year-old boys. They understand the value of family and fitness and wanted to build a facility around that concept.

“We offer daycare with almost every class that we offer so you have one less thing to worry about, says Crissy. “As parents, our first priority is our children, and we tend to put ourselves on the backburner. With our facility, we are able to offer fitness for all ages, fitness levels and interests.”

Thi Bod Fitness also just added TRX classes to its line-up, which offers suspension-type training with tension bands and is used by celebrities like that of Drew Brees of the New Orleans’ Saints NFL team.

Roy Suarez, a 60-year-old local Zumba and boot camp participant, recently held a solid three minute plank with perfect form as a result of the programs at Thi Bod.

“I was probably more surprised than anyone else. Last summer I couldn't do a 10 second plank, says Suarez. “Today I had a month of Thi Bod Bootcamp under my belt and that was the single reason I could do what I did tonight. Thank you, Joe. I couldn't have done it without you. Now on to the 5 minute plank.”

For more information on Thi Bod Fitness, visit their Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/ThiBodFitness.com.
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