20 years and counting with the same owner says a lot about dave's leadership ability,all that in a very seasonal market makes it even more remarkable,your place sir can be called a local institution,job well done....

Doug and I totally agree. It has hurt my heart every time I open this forum and see the same thread day after day. I haven't even felt like posting I felt so bad for Dave.
I think a personal message to Dave would have been appropriate. I understand what it's like to be ignored, treated in a rude manner in many food establishments over the years.....and if Doug had not been so hungry I would have walked out!. One of the finest in Destin did that to us and I went home and wrote a letter to the manager....and you would have thought we were celebrities the next time we walked in!
People only see the outside picture of what goes on in a restaurant.......sometimes as hard as I try in our own restaurant I just want to sit down and cry.
God bless you Oli for being the one in our industry to step up....and Dave, my gosh I do not know how you've done it all these years!
