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Garrett Horn

Beach Lover
Mar 2, 2017
To Anyone Who Loves the Eastern Lake Inlet:

Although many of you are somewhat aware of the situation pertaining to the parcel of land at the western end of San Roy Road, this letter is intended to get everybody that loves Eastern Lake and the Inlet, informed about the looming possibility of major development adjacent to the Inlet. The owner of that parcel, Peter Russell, DBA 87 San Roy Holdings LLC, made an application for a variance to reduce his 20’ front setback from the county right of way requirement to a zero front setback requirement on March 1st of this year. His intent is to build a 12,000-14,000 square foot mega-house, which would dramatically change the historical flood plain of the Inlet, negatively impact the Lake, destroy the primary dune systems, as well as severely impede the use of San Roy Road for emergency vehicles and pedestrian access to the beach.

At the May 24th meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustments, this variance was granted by a 4-2 vote, after strong public opposition and dubious claims were made by the applicant, of a “hardship” he would have to endure if not given this variance. We feel this decision by the ZBA, was not made in accordance with Walton County’s Land Development Code, and we are proceeding with filing an immediate appeal to have this decision overturned. We are currently seeking to obtain the best attorney we can find to fight this on behalf of everybody who loves this last beautiful piece of natural beach.

This is where all of you that care about saving our Coastal Dune Lakes can contribute to this cause. If this appeal fails, then the momentum will be on the developer’s side, and there will be a lengthy campaign of hearings to try to stop this atrocity. This moment in time is where we need to stop this. A Go Fund Me account has been set up to raise money specifically for attorney’s fees to launch this appeal. You can access this site by going to:


I know many of you do not have the time nor inclination to attend all the laborious meetings and hearings, and speak out against this problem, but you still help the cause financially. I can’t tell you how important this is, and how grateful we all would be for any financial help you can offer.

Thank You,

The Friends of Eastern Lake

James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
So much property near the Gulf should never have been made private. If only one of our good friends today were alive way back then to stand up against it. I suppose their was no one near who cared. Those in charge were too busy cutting down the old growth Oaks and Cypress.

The precedent and current environment of greed will doom anything outside of public lands. And even those we must unite to defend.

If we can't hold on to our dunes and coastal dune lakes we will be without heart and soul.

Garrett Horn

Beach Lover
Mar 2, 2017
James, everything you said is honest and true, but it's time to talk back to the powers that be. And that takes money. I'm so tired of this scenario: Developers slip an important hearing in close to a holiday, so that everybody is distracted. The few people who really care scramble to mount a defense and get a lawyer who shows up five minutes before the meeting, and gets his head handed to him by the developer's lawyers, who have been scheming for months. This time we are going to gather the money to have a properly armed attorney, and get the Truth out. Money talks, and any little bit you can donate will help us have a Strong Voice in this issue.

Click here to support Help Preserve Eastern Lake's beauty organized by Gordon Davis


Beach Fanatic
Apr 3, 2009
SWCC used to be able to hold its own against bad development. The developers got tired of it and have turned the tide by owning the BCC. Time for a new force comprised of people who love nature and have money and energy. And excellent lawyers that won't break the bank.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Yes, picture a house 90’ Long, 50’ high, sitting right on the edge of SanRoy Road (zero setback)with the extended road reaching to within 18’ of the “bayou” of the lake, with that road extension running downhill. Can anyone say enviormental catastrophe?

Jimmy T

Beach Fanatic
Apr 6, 2015
I don't see how you could build anything there. It's a shame that land isn't county or state owned.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
thanks for sharing this Garrett. what a damn shame. we can't stop growth and development and we shouldn't. but this is harmful and it's just not good sense. Where is our leadership? Where is our "city"? For now, our voices are all we have so we need to use them.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Well, my point is that money is the the only way to talk back to the County. This effort, which has originated from Eastern Lake is an ongoing fund to find and retain good lawyers to defeat the bad. The time for heart-felt speeches and rhetorical pitchforks is over. We are asking people to contribute to this fund to start A Stronger Voice.
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