..It's a big question for us. Any advice appreciated here. We have a little house about 2 houses back from 30-A, maybe 150 yards off the shoreline altogether. It's a one-story 80's ranch (vinyl siding/tin roof). Is there really any major benefit to boarding up a house like this when faced with a Category 3 or above?
We wouldn't be able to get there until about lunchtime Saturday (unless we cancel the gig on Friday..), but luckily we have the boards pre-cut and labeled from Ivan. We could be out of there by evening probably.
Is it just insane to think of coming down under these circumstances? We're beginning to think so. Anyone who might have a thought for us, please share it. thanks guys... kate
We wouldn't be able to get there until about lunchtime Saturday (unless we cancel the gig on Friday..), but luckily we have the boards pre-cut and labeled from Ivan. We could be out of there by evening probably.
Is it just insane to think of coming down under these circumstances? We're beginning to think so. Anyone who might have a thought for us, please share it. thanks guys... kate