First, two weeks is too much. This week is so crowded on the beach. We'll go back to one week in May next year - this past week. (We were here in Feb. Returning in Aug - before school with family first - and Sept.)
Traffic light installed and working at 395 and 30A yesterday.
Gates being installed at Seaside pavillions. Odessa was first, Tupelo this week.
Of course, enjoying our food as always. Last night, stopped at Grayton Beer Brewpub. Is there a nicer bartender than Daniel?
Arriving in Feb. and this past week - no where to park in Seaside as we awaited time to pull up 'legally' in front of 'our' house. We found the last spot in Feb. so we could walk around (and have lunch at Bud & Alleys) but this time, after lunch at the Vue. Nothing. Not at the public beach parking at Watercolor. Nada. So, plan B, we drove to the breweries and 'killed' our time there, getting a growler filled at Grayton. Last visit, we preferred Idyllhound IPA, this time, Grayton, but both good.
Forecast was for mucho rain the whole two weeks. WRONG WRONG WRONG Oh my goodness was that wrong. And I'm not talking about 10% 20%. These were big 60% 80% numbers.
So, we still love coming here. We try to stay put in Seaside but are occassionally drawn to eat somewhere else. Finally back to the Red Bar (Dread Clampitt) and to Stinkys. Have eaten at both of course but with so many choices....
The beach crowdedness - is that a word? - could have been worse. Seemed to be all nice people. The dozen who came from Seagrove - played football and some music. The families with 7 boys. Whew! The family of 12 were really mellow. No trash left by anyone, I don't think. These people just dug bunkers.....
So, we will be back. Had to give up our morning bike rides so we could have 'quiet' time at the beach in the morning then let all the others take over.
Traffic light installed and working at 395 and 30A yesterday.
Gates being installed at Seaside pavillions. Odessa was first, Tupelo this week.
Of course, enjoying our food as always. Last night, stopped at Grayton Beer Brewpub. Is there a nicer bartender than Daniel?
Arriving in Feb. and this past week - no where to park in Seaside as we awaited time to pull up 'legally' in front of 'our' house. We found the last spot in Feb. so we could walk around (and have lunch at Bud & Alleys) but this time, after lunch at the Vue. Nothing. Not at the public beach parking at Watercolor. Nada. So, plan B, we drove to the breweries and 'killed' our time there, getting a growler filled at Grayton. Last visit, we preferred Idyllhound IPA, this time, Grayton, but both good.
Forecast was for mucho rain the whole two weeks. WRONG WRONG WRONG Oh my goodness was that wrong. And I'm not talking about 10% 20%. These were big 60% 80% numbers.
So, we still love coming here. We try to stay put in Seaside but are occassionally drawn to eat somewhere else. Finally back to the Red Bar (Dread Clampitt) and to Stinkys. Have eaten at both of course but with so many choices....
The beach crowdedness - is that a word? - could have been worse. Seemed to be all nice people. The dozen who came from Seagrove - played football and some music. The families with 7 boys. Whew! The family of 12 were really mellow. No trash left by anyone, I don't think. These people just dug bunkers.....
So, we will be back. Had to give up our morning bike rides so we could have 'quiet' time at the beach in the morning then let all the others take over.