Volunteer Opportunity - Come out and help CBA restore critical estuarine habitat in Choctawhatchee Bay!
What: Oyster Shell Bagging
Where: The South Walton NWFSC Center
109 Greenway Trail
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
When: Monday, August 17, 2015
from 9-12
Who to Contact: Please RSVP to
Rachel Gwin
What to bring/wear: Wear clothes and close-toed shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Bring sunscreen, snacks, a water bottle and a hat. Water and gloves will be provided.
What you will do: You will be bagging fossilized oyster shell for use in future oyster reefs.
Rachel Gwin
Restoration Coordinator
Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance
109 Greenway Trail
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
850-533-0343 cell
850-200-4164 office
850-267-8315 fax