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Beach Lover
Jul 25, 2007
Walton County Commission launches new Managed Vending
Services and approves rules for Low-Speed Vehicles

Walton County – Jan 31, 2025 – The Walton County Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) held a lengthy regular meeting on Tuesday.

Among the items passed by general consent of the board, commissioners approved
authorizing the BCC Chair Donna Johns to sign the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement (FDLE) Fiscal Year 2023 JAG-C Grant Award Agreement in the
amount of $39,490. The funds will be used to procure digital forensics equipment
for investigations, safety restraint chairs for the Jail, and equipment modifications
for school resource deputies, as requested by the Walton County Sheriff's Office.
BCC Chair Johns was authorized to sign an option to renew the lease agreement
with Ken Mitchem for storage space for the Supervisor of Elections' voting

BCC Chair Johns was authorized to sign a resolution amending the Fiscal Year
2025 budget in the Fine and Forfeiture Fund for unanticipated grant revenue in the
amount of $39,490 for the Edward Byrne Memorial JAG-C Grant and the $7,916
for the JAG-D Grant.

Johns was also authorized to sign a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2025
budget in the General Fund in the amount of $10,000 for the Citizens Corps Grant
from Volunteer Florida.

Finance Director Melissa Thomason requested and received approval to use
budgeted Fiscal Year 2025 Contingency funding to offset the Thriftway property

BCC Chair Johns was authorized to sign a construction contract with Griffin
Traffic Signals for the Construction of the US Hwy. 98/Moll Drive Signalization

The Chair was also authorized to sign the funding agreement between Walton
County and The St. Joe Company for a 50% match of $2,500,000 for the design of
the Westbay Parkway Project, which is related to a State of Florida Department of
Transportation Grant. Staff Engineer Anna Hudson will administer the grant and
execute any subsequent reports, forms or documents required by the grant on the
County's behalf.

Environmental Manager Melinda Gates received approval to partner with the
Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Program, Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance, Eglin Air
Force Base, Okaloosa County, Holmes County, Washington County, Florida
Department of Environmental Protection, and the Choctawhatchee, Pea, Yellow
River Water Management Authority to apply for Fiscal Year 2025 NOAA's
Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grant. This will
support the goals of resiliency for Choctawhatchee Bay and its watershed. The
Chair will also sign a letter giving Melinda Gates the authority to apply for and
administer the NOAA Transformation Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience

The BCC approved partnering with the Choctawhatchee Bay Estuary Program and
Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance to apply for the Seagrass Restoration Initiative
Centers of Excellence Grant for seagrass restoration in Choctawhatchee Bay. The
Chair will sign a letter authorizing Melinda Gates to apply for and administer the

The BCC approved the concession stand rental agreement with South Walton Little
League Corporation for the operation of the concession stand effective from March
1, 2025, until June 30, 2025.

The BCC approved the Facilities Rental Agreement with the Boys and Girls Club
of the Emerald Coast to allow for the utilization of the gym facilities - located at
427 Greenway Trail Santa Rosa Beach - for basketball practices and games.
Commission Chair Donna Johns was authorized to sign the first option to renew
the contract with Grading & Bush Hog Services, Inc., for guardrail installation and
repair services and sign the second option to renew the contract with Jeff Martin
Auctioneers, Inc. for Auctioneering Services.

Also approved was a right-of-way easement with CHELCO to provide
underground electrical service to the Grayton Beach Municipal Parking Facility.
Under the heading of Citizen Requests, Steve Young, referencing the Botanic
property, requested the BCC uphold the stormwater component of the Land
Development Code (LDC). County Administrator Stan Sunday will meet with Mr.
Young to discuss the issue further.

Uriah Matthews received approval for his Walton County Economic Development
Alliance Quarterly Report, which he presented to commissioners.
The BCC directed Stan Sunday to investigate local properties for sale and bring
back updated information or contracts to the Board for further direction.
These properties include 1140 Nellie Drive, 43 Hogtown Bayou Lane, 62 W.
Wilson Street, 52 W. Wilson Street, 4499 West County Highway 30A and two
undeveloped parcels - 0.157 acres and 0.103 acres located near Fort Panic.
The BCC approved the 2025 Legislative Funding Priorities and authorized
Administrator Sunday to sign the attestation forms, adding a Thompson Road
project and the Health Department expansion.

BCC Chair Johns was authorized to sign the contract with Coastal Parasail, Inc., to
provide Managed Vending Services at designated regional and beach accesses.
Code Compliance requested direction regarding an amendment to Walton County
Code of Ordinances Chapter 24, concerning boating on local waterways and
received approval to schedule a public hearing to amend the chapter.
The BCC approved modifying the intersection of Bunker Place and Allen Loop Dr.
to an “All Way Stop.”

The Commissioners had planned to appoint members to vacant or expiring seats on
several advisory boards, including the Library Advisory Board, the Affordable
Housing Committee, the Design Review Board, the Planning Commission, and the
Zoning Board of Adjustments. However, there was some confusion regarding the
process, so the appointments will be brought back to the commissioners at their
next regular meeting.

Regarding property owned by Ronald and Dorothy Herring, the Herrings asked the
county to reduce the easement size on their property to be consistent with the area
actually used and maintained by Walton County. The request to modify parts of the
existing drainage easement was approved.

Commissioners approved the appointment of Tiffany Edwards to fill the vacant
Seat 8 on the Tourist Development Council.

The BCC voted to approve the installation of a Bollard Lighting System along
boardwalks/sidewalks in specified areas on Scenic Gulf Drive at a cost not to
exceed $216,684.

BCC Chair Johns was authorized to sign real estate closing documents for the
Thriftway property, located at 515 E Hwy 90, DeFuniak Springs, and was also
authorized to sign closing documents for the City of DeFuniak Springs Community
Redevelopment Agency properties, located at 111 and 129 North 6th Street,
DeFuniak Springs.

The commissioners approved an ordinance establishing standards for the operation
of low-speed vehicles, which amended the Walton County Code of Ordinances to
create Article VI - Low Speed Vehicles. This will include new sections pertaining
to the operation of LSVs, penalties and enforcement.

In response to a query from BCC Chair Johns, Administrator Stan Sunday will
bring back an update on the progress of Human Resources Inspection at the
February 11, BCC meeting.

The commissioners suggested that the Planning Commission hold a Public
Workshop to discuss and determine appropriate regulations on ‘monster houses.’
Planning Director Mac Carpenter will notify the Planning Commission about
scheduling the meeting.
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